Part of me absolutely loathes the fact that I spent the last week engaged in Orwellian newspeak with regards to advancing up into lower management ranks for the first time evar.
I don't *like* the fact that The Shack wants to have my manbabies. But I will accept it, and milk this job for all it's worth.
Cuz let's face it, when moving to a brand new city, you could do worse than have "Promoted to Manager in Waiting within Six Months" on your resume....
Anyway, enough with the pointless job-padding. Let's ficus on what this growth will get *me*
It will get *me* a re-activated WoW account! I do loathe those fido quests, but perhaps it'll be a bit easier if I find some kind soul to e-venture can hope, I suppose.
I may hate "bring me three shiny codpieces, each of which has a 2% drop rate!" style gaming. But designing maniacal gnome warlocks named Frausty Milkshakes never truly gets old....
UPDATE: Gnome warlock named Fraustus on Destromath server...I'll prolly have a backup on Deathwing, but the limits on characters make me depend more on making something work than envisioning something...
I don't *like* the fact that The Shack wants to have my manbabies. But I will accept it, and milk this job for all it's worth.
Cuz let's face it, when moving to a brand new city, you could do worse than have "Promoted to Manager in Waiting within Six Months" on your resume....
Anyway, enough with the pointless job-padding. Let's ficus on what this growth will get *me*
It will get *me* a re-activated WoW account! I do loathe those fido quests, but perhaps it'll be a bit easier if I find some kind soul to e-venture can hope, I suppose.
I may hate "bring me three shiny codpieces, each of which has a 2% drop rate!" style gaming. But designing maniacal gnome warlocks named Frausty Milkshakes never truly gets old....

UPDATE: Gnome warlock named Fraustus on Destromath server...I'll prolly have a backup on Deathwing, but the limits on characters make me depend more on making something work than envisioning something...

"Frausty Milkshakes" FTW!111!!!eleven11!!!
I knda miss WoW, except the instances. I won't invoke the dreaded name but you know why.
Oh crap, I can't help myself...LEEEEROOOOY!!!