No one can go back and make a brand new start.

Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Tonight, I toast to the new ending. We can't predict the future, we can't change the past, but there's no reason to be stuck in either. Today only exists for the moment.

This one goes out to all the forgetful and forgiving. The...
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I've been productive!

I finished Alien Hominid just a few moments ago. I gotta admit, the ending was touching, all those fat kids, and space, and a big tough Hominid bully and a rave at area 51....the game is quite delightful.

I absolutely adore what The Behemoth, the brain trust behind the game, is bringing to the table. They seem to share Nintendo's message that...
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Thanks for the game recommendation. Ima gonna check that out!

Oh, and I do kind of enjoy The Boondocks, although I think it would be better at 15 minutes. And Huey should sound less like a chick. wink
i grok that you grok

Just finished watching Wedding Crashers for the initial time.

I gotta say, I want to beat the shit out of Owen Wilson's character (whatever the hell his name is). Towards the end, also wanted to pimpslap the hot brunette with the immense maw on her.

It WAS a great movie, filled with happytime and boobs, which is excellent. So don't get the impression that I'm...
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I don't think many people knowabout this yet....

It's like my own private sanctum of pink and gray....

So I can whisper things here in complete confidence....

*pssst* I enjoy Lyrnyrd Skynyrd. Don't tell anyone.
Just read your broadside to to "Maximus." Can you say, "KA-BOOM"? I knew ya could... smile

You are the wind beneath my wings.

Oh, shit, I think I crapped my pants!

This is crazy and possibly complicated, but you know what? I'm totally stoked for it.

Talking to those considered lost? Watching Foster's (home for imaginary friends)?

Fuck, this NYE rocks, even if I'm going to be exhausted and sick and crazy later.


everything is only temporary...
and that was more like a step in healing a wounded heart than a plan for paradise, but hey, half a dozen in one hand and six in the other right?

I finished the story if you want to check the post again....

momentary value is important. Happiness is felt in moments. as is sadness...
I have no words to respond to your posting
because I simply don't have vocabulary for it.
A kiss and a nod will have to do...
"You killed it!" Andrew squealed, looking at the charred pavement where moments before, his angelic servant had stood.

"It wasn't really alive, you know," Vincent heaved himself up, sore and exhausted. HIs muscles screamed, his vision faded, he staggered. "You can't be alive unless you can choose. It wasn't alive. It was just part of the machine. You and me, we're alive. Those people you...
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I noticed that when I get worn down, like this, I get all kinds of emo. It's possible to get out of it, but I need to watch good movies with good friends and let myself get emotionally involved in something trivial. Something external. It's not there, yet. Might not be available for a while. And I'm trying to write a post-due paper on suicide...
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Ok kid you are lovin the WIZ to the CON way to much!! have to say though your piitures are really cool and also that site of the jap anime model frikin crazy I want to point one thing out to you I like this girl a lot to but....I had this weird thought if you were to draw a chicken bone on the end of her birth mark that would make a rad tattoo would look like a friken Kentuky fried chicken

[Edited on Dec 02, 2005 11:02AM]

[Edited on Dec 05, 2005 10:45AM]
jsut thought I'd say hi and comment on the intro..brilliant..friggin' brillian
Did I read that right?

Billy's Balloon showing on Adult Swim?

Hot damn...I loves me Don Hertzfeld like nobody's business. I want him to have my children and subject them to simple and hilarious animation. Missing the Animation Festival in Beertown was a tragedy because I missed his Meaning of Life.

CAN YOU HANDLE THE AWESUM? Well? If you can't, I'll bite your eye. mad