Maybe it's time I just gave up. Nothing is changing. No progress. It feels like I'm bashing my fucking head into a wall. Maybe I was wrong about that option no longer being viable. Don't mind me. Just letting the weight of everything suffocate me again. How is it this easy to feel so isolated? It's a constant struggle. That nagging fucking voice in the back of my head always telling me that I'm a failure. I try not to let him win. I try to work with him, because I know that he's me. I can't kill him. But he's getting stronger. Or maybe I'm just getting weaker. Fuck. The anxiety has been getting worse lately. I'm not strong. I'm not a good person. I'm not anything. I've never meant anything to anyone. I've never done anything worth while. This feels like a suicide note. It's not. I don't even know why I'm writing this. I don't know why I do anything anymore. Not that I ever did know. I feel like shit. Might be getting sick. Fuck it, who cares?
@skisby I appreciate the intent to give it a shot when you can. But I know how tough it can be when you don't have the funds. It's hard not to get discouraged sometimes , but I'll keep at it. You know, I thought it might be too pricey, but then I see others selling for 30 and up... That's insane.
@adam_bovary I think it just built up slowly and finally got to me in a bad way last week. But I definitely appreciate the offer.