Wow -- lots accomplished! I did my S-LAB duty and was hard core on friday through to sat morning. Half a bottle of Absinthe under my belt and I moved on to the single malt. I even made some Poi converts cause there is nothing like a 12 hour party shift to eventually get bored during. Sat. sucked I slept forever. I barely remember what I did except complain and watch more Lexx therby annoying the ex-roomate. She is crazy and I am fully willing now to confess that her presence and vibe and skulky stare annoys the hell out of me and I am so glad to be away from her. Sunday was to see the majority of the last of the moving -- Dgirl moved out finally with only her new squeeze and a friend to help us... I a painted the old room (buh-bye orange *pout*) rescued a couch from the sidewalk and crashed out fuckin exhausted. 99.99% done -- I'm avoiding the old place for a few days to recover some sanity.
UGH -- The crazy roomate actually wrote us an email making it out that we are uncourtous because we are making noise during moving! *breath* let it slide... remind myself not to flip out. Ok done. On to work or the avoidance thereof.
UGH -- The crazy roomate actually wrote us an email making it out that we are uncourtous because we are making noise during moving! *breath* let it slide... remind myself not to flip out. Ok done. On to work or the avoidance thereof.
I wish I could just take a deep breath like you do.