So Friday, and I wanted to be creative and to feel productive, but I’m giving my writing brain a few days off because it’s been working really hard for a long time and it needs to recharge.
Luckily for me, my performer brain was inspired to do another pulp fiction magazine audiobook narration, because it was so much fun the last time I did it,...
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this is awesome, this will be some of our listening while driving recordings

t was … not the best night of sleep I’ve ever had. I got into bed around midnight, and almost immediately kept waking up, coughing and gasping for breath, as my sinuses poured phlegm and something that can best be compared to a non-Newtonian fluid down my throat while I slept.

Around 3, I got out of bed and walked out of the room, so...
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It’s good to hear you coming out of it, I hope you continue in that direction
Hearing you say you're feeling better gives me hope.  Been in a similar episode myself since the holidays.  Sadly, for me there is no end in sight but perhaps, sooner than I know it there will be.  Just gotta keep at it.  Little by little.  Any progress is good progress I always say to my wife.  It's time I heeded my own advice.
From my Tumblr thing:
Question: "Hey Wil! Growing up, Stand By Me was an incredibly meaningful and important movie for me and still is to this day. I was curious to know what kind of an experience you had while making this movie. Was it a positive experience or was it more akin to the shitty child actor experiences your talked about before? I'd just...
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this is so awesome and I read this on your Tumblr (my profile now deleted) I am so sorry that there were this awful times you had.
Glad that Stand By Me was a good experience for you.  It has always been one of my favorites.  Except that bloodsucker scene.  I still don't like walking through swamps.

I feel like I should be doing more, making more — hell, making anything — and generally being more productive.

But I just have nothing. No motivation. No ideas. No compulsion to create. I keep feeling like I’m just wasting time, just keeping my head down and hoping that today will be better than the day before and that this string of days will come...
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@wilwheaton  First off who is telling you this? Tell those demons to fuck off already! As long as you are happy why stress the rest? As long as you can find joy in each day you ARE living life. Do not let anyone define ‘living life’ or ‘happiness’ for you.  We all go through times where we are not motivated and simply do not feel or value or worth. It’s exhausting and defeating. This is our mind playing a sick twisted trick on us. Enjoy the moments of silence in your mind because when you finally feel at peace the ideas and projects will flood in.  Age only make us wiser and brighter embrace the changes and dare I say 🤔 live your age! You’re not dead until you are dead, find the moments in each day that give you joy, the moments that make you smile and when that doesn’t work, roll through the motions. Do not worry if others will notice, if they will be upset, offended or what they will think. Do not let the thoughts of what others might think, say or do influence you.  Remember when you are feeling blocked or down, let it out. Write whatever comes to your mind even when its nothing but negative thoughts trying to keep you down. Take those negative thoughts and burn them! Watch the fire burn your depression and anxiety. Jump in some water and focus on the feeling and let the water move you. Then you begin again until there is nothing left to say. Easier said than done, I know. You have an entire community behind you that understands, hang in there and feel better. Much love 😘
I'm feeling you right now. I'm just lost is this mental black space right now. I know the cause, but it feels like the way out is beyond me right now. But together we stand, together we back each other up til we fight through the muck

Green Day's American Idiot was trenchant and relevant when it was released in 2004. It's still a great album that holds up entirely on its

Agreed with both you and @leighgabriel. It's actually scary how a few other politic heavy bands and albums are as if not more relevant than they were 10 or 20 years ago. Dude. I. Don't know.
I never got into it until quite a few years after it was released

When I see people complain about paying full price for a big video game title like Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Red Dead Redemption 2, I wonder where else they spend around a dollar an hour to be continuously challenged and entertained for months at a time.

I'm over 100 hours into RDR2, about 80% through the story, and I am *thrilled* that it's costing me...
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Playing Skyrim, I have issues with a few of the quests, because I don't like killing or stealing from characters that I have had positive dealings with.
You named your horse Ted Danson? OMG, I didn't believe I could adore you more, I have never been more happier to be wrong.

Terry Crews painting in the style of Bob Ross on an endless loop is the best thing on the Internet today:


I recently started streaming music for my friends with a Shoutcast server that Mysterious Kevin helped me install and configure at WWdN.
I've been playing an early-90s ambient mix, but I uploaded a new playlist that’s almost entirely early wave American punk from 1977 to about 1985. There’s also some rockabilly, new wave, and post-punk in there, too.
I tried my best to avoid the...
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