I meet a lot of young women at conventions who have the scars of self-harm on their arms.
I want to be sure that if I'm saying or doing anything when I meet these people, it is helpful, kind, and loving.
So do I say nothing at all? Like, when I've met people who have dozens of scars on their arms, it feels strange not to acknowledge it, but I wonder if commenting is more hurtful than not? I want to be as compassionate and supportive as possible, and I don't know what the best way is to do that.
Essentially, I want to know if there's a way I can support and love the people who I meet who show signs of self-harm, or if the best thing to do, as a general rule, is to talk with them the same way I'd talk with someone who doesn't show signs of self-harm.
Thanks for your insights and advice.