I woke early this morning, after just five hours of sleep, to take Nolan to school early. I tried to stay awake and just start my work day, but I was really too tired, so I went back to sleep around nine, and just woke up a few minutes ago, around eleven fifteen, from a really upsetting dream.
I was with Anne and Ryan in central california, at some place that was near the coast, though we couldn't see the water -- we just knew we were close in that way you just know things in dreams. We were doing some thing that was kind of like the train that goes to the Grand Canyon, and we were waiting in a two-story B&B/motel thing, which was right next to a creek.
During my dream, I was standing in the living room of this B&B thing, looking out at the nearby city, which was across a small valley and a couple of hills. It was sprawled out across another valley, with a couple of twenty or thirty story buildings in its downtown. Suddenly, the room began to sway, due to an earthquake. It wasn't a violent 'quake, so I walked outside onto the balcony to look down the canyon and make sure nothing was falling down. Oh, I just realized now that the locale was a combination of Monterey and the Santa Anita canyon, and the city feels like San Jose (but much, much smaller, maybe more like Ventura) to me.
While I was standing outside, the creek began to massively flood. The water rose, turned muddy, and began to roar. Then, there was an even louder roar, as a tornado appeared out of nowhere and ripped through the city, headed toward the three of us. I screamed "TORNADO!" and ran inside to get Anne and Ryan to safety, but they couldn't move. Anne just had Ryan sheltered in the middle of the room, while I tried to figure out where we could go that would be safe. By the time I figured out that we were just going to have to stay there and hope for the best.
I turned to put my arms over them, and saw out the window that the tornado had vanished as quickly as it appeared, but when I told them that the we were safe, another one spring up, this time larger, and instead of coming toward us, I knew it was coming for us.
That's when I woke up, with my heart pounding hard in my chest.
I was with Anne and Ryan in central california, at some place that was near the coast, though we couldn't see the water -- we just knew we were close in that way you just know things in dreams. We were doing some thing that was kind of like the train that goes to the Grand Canyon, and we were waiting in a two-story B&B/motel thing, which was right next to a creek.
During my dream, I was standing in the living room of this B&B thing, looking out at the nearby city, which was across a small valley and a couple of hills. It was sprawled out across another valley, with a couple of twenty or thirty story buildings in its downtown. Suddenly, the room began to sway, due to an earthquake. It wasn't a violent 'quake, so I walked outside onto the balcony to look down the canyon and make sure nothing was falling down. Oh, I just realized now that the locale was a combination of Monterey and the Santa Anita canyon, and the city feels like San Jose (but much, much smaller, maybe more like Ventura) to me.
While I was standing outside, the creek began to massively flood. The water rose, turned muddy, and began to roar. Then, there was an even louder roar, as a tornado appeared out of nowhere and ripped through the city, headed toward the three of us. I screamed "TORNADO!" and ran inside to get Anne and Ryan to safety, but they couldn't move. Anne just had Ryan sheltered in the middle of the room, while I tried to figure out where we could go that would be safe. By the time I figured out that we were just going to have to stay there and hope for the best.
I turned to put my arms over them, and saw out the window that the tornado had vanished as quickly as it appeared, but when I told them that the we were safe, another one spring up, this time larger, and instead of coming toward us, I knew it was coming for us.
That's when I woke up, with my heart pounding hard in my chest.
<creepy stranger>
You didn't ask, and I'm no expert, but I'd say your dream is just you worrying about this position you're in as leader and protector of a family. That's a lot of responsibility, as you clearly realize.
But I don't think you need to worry so much, and here's why:
1. You put your arms over them, which suggests to me that you'd die to protect them, and unless you've got a death wish, that implies you'll do everything in your power including, but not limited to, dying to protect them.
2. You don't get to be leader and protector of a family on your own - someone has to believe, without a doubt, you're capable of it. I'm sure Anne and Nolan both do. You're in that position because you've been deemed worthy.
But that dream would scare the hell out of me, and I bet I'll have similar ones someday. Hope you're not upset for too long.
</creepy stranger>