The holidays are here and have been pretty hard for my family so far. On Thanksgiving, my family was all together and we had a lovely dinner. My grandpa lives with us because he can't get around very well on his own and he was in good spirits and loving the dinner and spending time with all of us. My fiance was with me and...
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I'm feeling better as well...and it was a great day today too because I got a check for $917! It was perfect weather today too. upper 50s in January. It was fantastic.
I feel like I'm never going to be done with college. It's sucking all the life out of me. I have lost my voice due to a horrible cold and feel like crap for the most part, and have for the past week and a half. Thankfully I have a few days off coming up so I can relax a bit I hope.
I know what you are going through as school never seems to end. I lost my voice a few times in life and it is not fun.
I'm so busy I just want to sleep! Anyway, in the middle of my school work I have begun working on scarves for my family and friends for Christmas. I'll post pictures as I go, I have a few done already. Also I will post pictures soon of some of my weaving projects from school. My teacher told us we will be learning basketry, felting,...
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hmmmm... fuzzy....
So work is sucking the life out of me. I'm so tired lately it's crazy. I want to get my jewelry together and sell a bunch of it, but I don't know where to do that. If anyone has any good ideas let me know! Also, if anyone has any good websites or anything that they know of pertaining to weddings or planning weddings, let...
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wow, planning a wedding, mine was put together in a few weeks, the marriage laster a little longer, LOL
I proposed to my boyfriend the other day and he said yes! I couldn't be happier!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! !