well i ordered my slide dupicator lens so i can hook it on to the front of my digital rebel and take pics of my bettie page slides and clean them up a little and go print them out at one of those memory card printing machines. i can also use it on my pentax k1000 so i will be able to get negatives for...
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Nashville Pussy will rock your ass off

oh my gawd i would love a drunken barn dance! the name alone makes it great. and you could have one of those any time of year. and we could all dress like white trash! hehehe
I've got a negative scanner & it has clips for slides. Wanna buy it for 70 bucks? It cost me 200. I never use it, I should go sell it on Ebay or something.
$40...are you sure you're talking about the same thing?
They're all mostly $130+ dude, I'm offering it for $70. But I guess you're saying theres cheaper models?
Check it out: PrimeFilm 1800u
They're all mostly $130+ dude, I'm offering it for $70. But I guess you're saying theres cheaper models?
Check it out: PrimeFilm 1800u
so i finally got to see the last 45 minutes of pirates of the caribbean. it was a okay movie. but the major news is the new alien box set!!! they look so good. i had the old box set and this one just blows it away. its 9 disk and every movie has the original and the new version for it. the new original...
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Why yes, yes you are a DVD whore.
But thats ok, I think I've bought over 200 CD's in the last year, so I'm a CD whore then.
But thats ok, I think I've bought over 200 CD's in the last year, so I'm a CD whore then.

aww thanks. i am a bit afraid of spiders so i may have to do the sofa/guest room thing
but i don't think i'll be in the south anytime soon.
too bad you don't live up here tho! i get nice discounts on dvds and cds at my old job. which could help out alot if yr such a dvd whore

too bad you don't live up here tho! i get nice discounts on dvds and cds at my old job. which could help out alot if yr such a dvd whore

well then stop spazzing you! lol *hugs* photo shop isn't that tough!
P.S. I also get the winter blues. I know you're not saying you have them, but I think you do.

P.S. I also get the winter blues. I know you're not saying you have them, but I think you do.
what a day friday was. cash and ritter are gone. john ritter was a bit before my tv watching days so im not that bummed out about that one. but johnny cash was cool. there is a rumor that he crawled into a cave in chattanooga tn for like a week because he wanted to die. after a few days he sobered up and crawled...
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I too must wait until the weekday to OUATIMexico.....viva la Mexico
maybe we should go and search for the chattanooga cash cave...that could be an adventure!
I'm counting down the next 43 as well
I'm counting down the next 43 as well

im still trying the whole fried tofu thing, though i dont think i can give up on meat. i have a weakness for fastfood hamburgers and chicken. i found out that canon is making a new digital rebal camera for a decent price, which is cool because my mom uses some of them and has lenses that will work for it. i think im going...
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you should try some of the soy products in stores now- like riblets- omg, they are sooooo good- i've turned on quite a few meateaters to them- and they dig em!
or the morningstar farms corn dogs. YUM. sandwich person? go with the lightlife "deli slices" - i like the turkey and bologna the best (those are in the produce section for some reason)
up in chatty- ingles seems to have the best selection of soy stuff- even fake cheese (it's not too bad, but you can never really replace cheese)
oh there are also "burger crumble" soy stuff- goes great in chili or tacos....
got the munchies? tofu puddding- they sell the packet at ingles somewhere- my best friend eats that stuff- and she usually won't touch most of the stuff inmy kitchen...
i'm a vegetarian, in case you couldn't tell.
don't worry- i'm not one ofthe preach-y ones!
just wanted you to know there are a bunchof options out there- not just a brick of tofu to fry up!
awww, no more sb pix???
but it is fucked up about how everyone is talking about $$$ money ruins stuff.
i have never had the desire to get naked on the internet before, but this site makes me wanna show my ass
or the morningstar farms corn dogs. YUM. sandwich person? go with the lightlife "deli slices" - i like the turkey and bologna the best (those are in the produce section for some reason)
up in chatty- ingles seems to have the best selection of soy stuff- even fake cheese (it's not too bad, but you can never really replace cheese)
oh there are also "burger crumble" soy stuff- goes great in chili or tacos....
got the munchies? tofu puddding- they sell the packet at ingles somewhere- my best friend eats that stuff- and she usually won't touch most of the stuff inmy kitchen...
i'm a vegetarian, in case you couldn't tell.

don't worry- i'm not one ofthe preach-y ones!
just wanted you to know there are a bunchof options out there- not just a brick of tofu to fry up!
awww, no more sb pix???
but it is fucked up about how everyone is talking about $$$ money ruins stuff.
i have never had the desire to get naked on the internet before, but this site makes me wanna show my ass

All this SB bullshit happened at least ten times before the group was even started. It's happening again now because some new people didn't look around to see what happened before they started making suggestions. It happens and it will happen again. I've only been here since January and I've seen this sort of thing come and go on a variety of subjects. It will pass.

i just tried tofu for the first time today. i tried to fry it using some recipe i got off of the net. after about 10 minutes the strange white slabs of tofo were nowhere near golden brown, so i got tired of waiting and ate half ouf it anyway. it was not as bad as i thought it would be. maybe next time i...
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I fucking hate tofu,but friends of mine eat it and I have an amazing marinade recipe for it...
its a real winner I have been told
its a real winner I have been told

i had some yummy tofu tacos once. but the lady that made them had been a vegetarian all her life and knew how to make it almost indistnguishable to us heathen meat eaters. otherwise, i won't touch the stuff.
yay, more naked pics are always good. my birthday is october 21st, if you are seeking a date in ocotber to unleash them (wink, wink).
yay, more naked pics are always good. my birthday is october 21st, if you are seeking a date in ocotber to unleash them (wink, wink).
i hate waiting on things to come through the mail. i have my sg hoodie and trucker hat on the way. also some dvds from amazon, and a book with all of andy warhol's photography in it. i really would like to get into the whole photography thing. im buying alot of used photography books frome the used book stores, and my mom is helping...
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yay! i only have one so far.
hiya! if your friend doesn't send ya photoshop i have it and can send it to ya.
i love playing with pictures- it rocks
hahahahahhaa- i wouldn't exactly call gps fun... but it had a few good moments. mostly it sucked. but i got a good education there- but the people sucked. go figure.
most of those chicks DO think they are better than everyone else... their tuition is the cost of a good used car :/
those chicks sucked so bad that after 9th- i left and went to CSAS (which was cool, but clique-y) because i wanted to be around real people- at a public school, and not the expensive -ass private school. but CSAS wasn't right for me either- so i went back to gps thinking that at least the education was good there... bad move. hah. but then i was depressed & quit caring about school (plus my dad died and some other shit) so i missed a bunch of days- and they didn't like my green hair and earrings, so they told me i could stay if i showed up every day and IF i fixed my hair and only wore two sets of earrings (like they should have really cared what i wore in my ears- sheesh) so i said cool, i'm not coming back. there are still a bunch of rules inthe damn handbook that i caused - about only wearing fine jewelry and certain shoes only ( i dyed mine purple- those stupid brown bucks) blah blah
so i graduated from east ridge high...
that was a 180 degrees turn from gps- but i liked it so much better cause the people were real..
and i didn't have to wear those stupid uniforms!
keep going with the photography!! i loooovvveee taking pictures... my bf and i ride around atlanta and take pics of all kinds of stuff, from people to abandoned buildings to plastic bags stuck on razor wire...
and i like going into photoshop and making then b&w and changing the contrast and lighting- makes for some really cool pix
have a great night!

hahahahahhaa- i wouldn't exactly call gps fun... but it had a few good moments. mostly it sucked. but i got a good education there- but the people sucked. go figure.
most of those chicks DO think they are better than everyone else... their tuition is the cost of a good used car :/
those chicks sucked so bad that after 9th- i left and went to CSAS (which was cool, but clique-y) because i wanted to be around real people- at a public school, and not the expensive -ass private school. but CSAS wasn't right for me either- so i went back to gps thinking that at least the education was good there... bad move. hah. but then i was depressed & quit caring about school (plus my dad died and some other shit) so i missed a bunch of days- and they didn't like my green hair and earrings, so they told me i could stay if i showed up every day and IF i fixed my hair and only wore two sets of earrings (like they should have really cared what i wore in my ears- sheesh) so i said cool, i'm not coming back. there are still a bunch of rules inthe damn handbook that i caused - about only wearing fine jewelry and certain shoes only ( i dyed mine purple- those stupid brown bucks) blah blah
so i graduated from east ridge high...
that was a 180 degrees turn from gps- but i liked it so much better cause the people were real..
and i didn't have to wear those stupid uniforms!
keep going with the photography!! i loooovvveee taking pictures... my bf and i ride around atlanta and take pics of all kinds of stuff, from people to abandoned buildings to plastic bags stuck on razor wire...
and i like going into photoshop and making then b&w and changing the contrast and lighting- makes for some really cool pix

have a great night!
i hope all of the fuss on the boards about the girls only group is finally coming to an end. it would be nice to have some new topics and not just the guys wanting a group of thier own which s5 said is not going to happen. thank gawd for s5 and his wisdom. if i could buy him a beer over the net...
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i saw no such thread. although a few people put you on the "members you would like to fuck" list.
anyways, you're not missing much. mostly just petty gossip and sexual hang ups. booring.
thats so dumb that the guys dont get a group, isn't that some sort of double standard or something?
anyways, you're not missing much. mostly just petty gossip and sexual hang ups. booring.
thats so dumb that the guys dont get a group, isn't that some sort of double standard or something?
I just had to tell you this,
I just finished watching "May"...good suggestion. That was an amazing movie, I think it may have to go into my list of favorites.
Thank you for the suggestion that brought forth a thorougly entertaining night.
ps--> you look like the guy that plays adam (thats a good thing)
I just finished watching "May"...good suggestion. That was an amazing movie, I think it may have to go into my list of favorites.
Thank you for the suggestion that brought forth a thorougly entertaining night.
ps--> you look like the guy that plays adam (thats a good thing)
i ordered my sg trucker hat today. i hope it comes soon because i want to take a new profile pic because i dont really like the one i have now. i was drunk when i took it. well freddy vs jason kicked ass (for more info see my last journal entry) and i cant wait to see the texas chainsaw massacre in october. i...
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nah, the tattoos you have look great the way they are. leave 'em be
i'm not supposed to talk about it..but we are planning on coming to your house and making you orally pleasure all of us.
i've said too much already....
i've said too much already....