Well, the John Mayer Trio album actually kicks some ass. Like, three or four kinds of ass-kickery.

I had a pair of odd dreams about SG last night. The first dream involved Dennis Hopper getting the site officially claimed as a porn site and shutting it down in the name of the War on Porn. Yes, Dennis fucking Hopper. It played like the climactic scene...
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It played like the climactic scene in an action thriller, and it all ended with Reagan popping through a door and kicking him in the face with a high-heeled shoe. I was kinda like "uh..."

perhaps the coolest dream i have ever heard, excluding the one about Limoli becoming Kim Basinger and fighting Gene Hackman with Bill O'Riley OR the one where I was a black guy working at Best Buy who killed all the employees and then became white and fled..

go Reagan.

p.s. if the download works, save it for at least a few days so I can watch Busgirl weither you like it or hate it.
Blah. Nothing like the tiny disappointments in life to bring you down like a ton of bricks. Like a 7-hour wait for a movie, only to find the license on it expired at some point during your download, so it says (in snooty French John Cleese voice) "download it again, so I can fuck you over a second time!"

And then, my set actually has...
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We found out what was wrong. This is what you need to do if you still want to watch it. Open OMN and sign up. Log in, then try to watch the movie again. It should work. <333
Yay Wallace and Gromit. I love that you change pics so often smile

Ok going to check out set now.....
"oh, I do like a bit of Gorganzola!"

"and the sound you are hearing is the sound of Shit hitting the fan...gloabally...do you hear it *makes noise* "
Is it odd to be 20 and be wondering to yourself, "why am I not writing the Great American Novel? Why am I not out there, making a name for myself, fighting amongst the crowds to become someone who can make a difference in this world?"

Or am I just being hyper-reactive to having those change-of-decade fears?

Who knows...

it'll be worse when you turn 30.
So I don't know why, but when I first discovered Sid on this site, I figured she was A.) and taller and B.) had a deeper voice. And when GoGo went up, I figured she had a higher voice, since she looks so small. And, well, I somehow got that ass-backwards, didn't I?

So I got two random friend requests in the last day or...
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when I first discovered Sid on this site, I figured she was A.) and taller and B.) had a deeper voice. And when GoGo went up, I figured she had a higher voice, since she looks so small. And, well, I somehow got that ass-backwards, didn't I

way to go, moron. wink
Add Neil Diamond with 12 songs, Monk + Coltrane at Carnegie, and Alicia Keys "Unplugged" to my ridiculously strange musical swath.

Ridiculous. I feel old because of the music I've been listening to recently.

Holy hell, I just found a band I was listening to 5 years ago.


A bunch of crazy melodic Swedes. Yay! And of course, they're on MySpace (fuckers). Check out...
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Cant you see the sky is not the limit any more

I remember the discovery of my favorite band like it was yesterday, even though it was nearly five years ago. It was 1 AM, a week or so before school started. I was flipping around channels on the TV in my basement, trying to find something interesting. And when I turned to MTV, I...
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Whoo! Oscar noms = Oscar predictions.
Performance by an actor in a leading role
Philip Seymour Hoffman in Capote (UA/Sony Pictures Classics)
Terrence Howard in Hustle & Flow (Paramount Classics, MTV Films and New Deal Entertainment)
Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain (Focus Features)
Joaquin Phoenix in Walk the Line (20th Century Fox)
David Strathairn in Good Night, and Good Luck. (Warner Independent Pictures)

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i like how you took most of my jokes, and improved apon them...good job Kev.

and shit...i need to fix my predicition for best song...i thought the song from brokeback was nominated.

anyway...good picks...and did you see that i agree with you on Corpse Bride...I think the DVD did it. Even though I still like the film...YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT FANTASY MAN!