Story of the day.................
First off I wanna thank everyone for their kind words regarding my last post. My student is doing great considering what happened. I finally got the story from her last night. Her boyfriend came home drunk with a few buddies and was showing them his 9mm (why he had a loaded 9 mm in his house when he and my student have a 10 month old in the house too is beyond me). As he was flipping the gun over to show his friends some detailing on the other side it accidently went off shooting my student in the chest. The bullet bounced off her rib and exited through 2 spots in her back
She is damn lucky to be alive but I am so thankful the outcome wasn't worse
That being said - I am very sorry for not responding to each person individually but time is a thing I don't have any of. As it is I am going to be late for work today just so I could post this up. The parents arrive tonight so I will probably be MIA for the next couple of weeks. Pete is home in about 3 weeks so I'll be sure to update about that situation as it unfolds.
OK - There is nothing left to say but :

I hope you all have a safe and Happy Holidays!!!
First off I wanna thank everyone for their kind words regarding my last post. My student is doing great considering what happened. I finally got the story from her last night. Her boyfriend came home drunk with a few buddies and was showing them his 9mm (why he had a loaded 9 mm in his house when he and my student have a 10 month old in the house too is beyond me). As he was flipping the gun over to show his friends some detailing on the other side it accidently went off shooting my student in the chest. The bullet bounced off her rib and exited through 2 spots in her back

That being said - I am very sorry for not responding to each person individually but time is a thing I don't have any of. As it is I am going to be late for work today just so I could post this up. The parents arrive tonight so I will probably be MIA for the next couple of weeks. Pete is home in about 3 weeks so I'll be sure to update about that situation as it unfolds.
OK - There is nothing left to say but :

Two weeks! Eeeeeeee!!!!

no, stayed here and for the record my beard was AWESOME