I'm done with life handing me shit to deal with while Pete is away
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
At exactly 10:20 tonight (Oct 15th) Lucy passed away. She was not doing well all day (I even came home during lunch to be with her) but tonight when I got home from dancing she was really not with it and her back legs were paralized. I took her out of her cage, wrapped her up in her blanket and took her upstairs to our room. It was nice and quiet and I laid her right next to me. She crawled right under my chin and cuddled. The only sounds in the room were the clock ticking and her and I breathing.I just laid there next to Lucy crying and telling her that it was ok to go if she was ready. Then she looked up at me, nudged me with her nose, struggled her last breaths and then let out a great big sigh. As soon as she did that she looked peacful. I brought her downstairs so that Mickey (her son) could see her. He nudged her a bit, licked her and then curled up next to her making the most hearbreaking chirpy noise. I put him back in his cage so I could write this but he is upset understandably. I have her wrapped up in her blanket and put her into a comfortable position. Pete's mom is going to come over tomorrow night after work to help me bury her in the back yard. I don't care what anyone else thinks but that is where I want her to be put (Right under the flowers in the corner of the yard.)
Good-Bye my little Lucy

I love you and will miss you dearly
The day I brought her home from the pet store
Pregnant with her babies
With her newborns (we still have the little white one & the other baby is happy and healthy in his home up in Canada)
She was the best guinea pig we could ever have
It's ok Lucy - you can go meet my gramma now. She'll take great care of you.