Story of the day.........
Thanks to everyone who sent nice thoughts to me and got to see me perform my "talent" on Ellen Monday. I really wanted to respond to all of you who left comments and messages but alas - I have been REALLY sick for the past 4-5 days. I am just happy that they filmed the show last week because on Monday I was not up for doing much of anything (including going to my first day of work).
All in all - my new job is ok but I am not getting excited about it yet. I'm not writting it off either but I just can't see myself being there long term for the amount of money they are paying me and the hours they have me working. Still - it is more than I was making being an unemployed bum
The Doctor I work for is really nice though so that is half the battle already won.
When I get feeling better I will try to record my spot on Ellen to my computer but I don't even have the energy to really sit here and type this let alone set up the lap top and hook everything up to the TV. I have no idea what I am sick with or where I got it from. All I know is that I have been spiking a fever of about 102 since Sunday and am totally drained of any energy I had. My body has been so hot lately that I can feel the heat coming off of my skin. I even have some fever blisters on my arms and legs which is weird
I though last night I was feeling better but today it hurts to move even the smallest amount. Even my HAIR hurts if that makes any sense
I feel so guilty because there are tons of things that I need to do around the house but every time I try I have to stop and take a break every 5 minutes
If PiratePete were here then I would feel better already because just having him around when I am not feeling good seems to make me better
Guess I'll just have to tough it out for another 16 weeks until he is finally home with me. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Well - I have used up all of my energy for the next little while typing this so now it is time to go rest for a bit (how pathetic eh?)
Hope everyone is doing ok - and please go wish Pete well since his ship is leaving on Monday to god knows where for the next 3 months.
Makes me scared that he may be going to somewhere dangerous even though he is just doing some training. It is the locals I am worried about - do THEY know that these Sailors and Marines are just training?

Thanks to everyone who sent nice thoughts to me and got to see me perform my "talent" on Ellen Monday. I really wanted to respond to all of you who left comments and messages but alas - I have been REALLY sick for the past 4-5 days. I am just happy that they filmed the show last week because on Monday I was not up for doing much of anything (including going to my first day of work).
All in all - my new job is ok but I am not getting excited about it yet. I'm not writting it off either but I just can't see myself being there long term for the amount of money they are paying me and the hours they have me working. Still - it is more than I was making being an unemployed bum

When I get feeling better I will try to record my spot on Ellen to my computer but I don't even have the energy to really sit here and type this let alone set up the lap top and hook everything up to the TV. I have no idea what I am sick with or where I got it from. All I know is that I have been spiking a fever of about 102 since Sunday and am totally drained of any energy I had. My body has been so hot lately that I can feel the heat coming off of my skin. I even have some fever blisters on my arms and legs which is weird

Well - I have used up all of my energy for the next little while typing this so now it is time to go rest for a bit (how pathetic eh?)

Hope everyone is doing ok - and please go wish Pete well since his ship is leaving on Monday to god knows where for the next 3 months.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Feel better soon.
hope you feel better soon