This is me right now

Last night I took Pete to catch his bus to the airbase so that he could get on a plane and fly half way around the world for the next 6 months. We knew this was coming but it is never easy to say good bye to the one you love.....even if only for a period of time. Pete was pretty calm about the whole thing...or so I thought. I had managed to sneak a letter that I had written to him along with a card from our "kids" and he found it on the bus ride. In not so many words he said that he got a little emotional when he read it (which wasn't my intention) but when he said that I knew that he was still the big hearted lug that I married. It was breaking my heart to watch other wives drop their husbands off and break down histerically when they had to say good bye. That was when I was thankful to have been military myself knowing what to expect etc. We shared a few private words, kissed softly several times, and of course I shed a few tears.....but when he walked away I couldn't have been prouder of him for doing what he does. Thankfully Petes Mom, Step Mom and Brother were there to say good bye too so I wasn't alone after he left.
I know that the next 6 months are going to be extremely hard since we still don't have our house set up completely and I am now taking on financially responsability for the both of us. I know I have the stress of looking after all of the bills, house hold stuff and taking care of our pets (who are getting bigger every day) but I just hope that I can do everything well and make him less worried about what is going on over here so he can focus on the job he has to do there.
With that being said.....I am so happy that we have the piggies and kittens because they have been my saviors today. I like the fact that I can talk to them and all they wanna do is cuddle

I have to share a few pictures of the kittens since they are really starting to develop personalities

Sabina will find any basket, bucket, box etc to sleep in if she can

I swear that Nero was a dog in his past life

These 2 are the only cats I know who LOVE to be scratched on their bellies

Anyways - I still have a TON of stuff to do around the house (half of it I have no idea how to do or where to even start) so I am gonna go take care of that but before I do I wanted to post this:
UNIT 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220:
I am going to post this in his journal as well and I won't take it down from either until he is back so if you happen to lose it you will always be able to find it at the end of my journal posts

I hope everyone is well - sorry for the emo rant

Huge amount of hugs I remember how my mom was when dad went to sea. I don't think that Nero was a dog in a past life ever male cat we ever had would do that roll over and say scratch my belly. Get a laser pointer to play with the cats

I think she rocks too.
I'm so glad you guys got to get together, even if it was just a short visit. She was totally stocked about meeting you too.
Not that I doubted it for one minute. By the way, how's the air conditioner?