Story of the day...............
Holy Hell I suck at updating
I can't believe that almost a month has gone by without even a quick hello
Ok - ok I know that I am getting bad about keeping up on here lately but the past month has proven to be a crazy one
Pete and I have FINALLY found our house!!!!

We are closing escrow in the next week or so (we hope)

It is totally not what I pictured our house to be (at least from the front) and the inside is HUGE!!!
All we know is that we are happy to finally have somthing to call our own
Pete has been busy for the past month getting ready to leave on deployment soon and it has been bumming me out a little. I have been having mixed feelings about the whole thing. I mean - I know the job and what it entails and yet I also know what the dangers are and what could potentially happen
I am also a little worried about being lonely when he is least I was until today

So today we had to make a stop at the pet store to pick up some litter for our little piggies and of course it was adoption day. Normally during adoption day I point at every little kitten and say that I want it to come home with me. I don't know what it was about this brother/sister duo but Pete and I fell in love with them enough to adopt both and bring them home today

For now we have named them Mork and Mindy although I keep going back to the name Zimmer (last name of my favorite composer) for the little boy (black one). The little girl (grey and white one) has taken to Pete right away and won't leave him alone. It is so cute!!!
All I know is that I am so happy to have these little guys around to complete our family (so far). They are entertaining and yet cuddly too
There was no issue when we brought them home either - no meowing in fear or being skiddish. They just acted as if they belonged here all along
Last but not least I need to say one more thing to my husband and so should you

It is his 37th birthday in an hour and I am hoping to make it a special one. I got him an 80gb ipod nano to take all of his music and movies with him on deployment and I also took him to see Iron Man last weekend
I am also making him a pretty cool birthday cake tomorrow if it turns out
Pictures to follow
I just want him to have a good birthday before he takes off since he won't be around for Halloween, My Birthday, Our Anniversary, Christmas and New Years. Today was however the 2 year anniversary of the night he proposed to me
I hope everyone is happy and healthy and I promise to do better with the updating from now on....well that is unless we are packing and moving in the next little bit
Holy Hell I suck at updating

Pete and I have FINALLY found our house!!!!

It is totally not what I pictured our house to be (at least from the front) and the inside is HUGE!!!
All we know is that we are happy to finally have somthing to call our own

Pete has been busy for the past month getting ready to leave on deployment soon and it has been bumming me out a little. I have been having mixed feelings about the whole thing. I mean - I know the job and what it entails and yet I also know what the dangers are and what could potentially happen

So today we had to make a stop at the pet store to pick up some litter for our little piggies and of course it was adoption day. Normally during adoption day I point at every little kitten and say that I want it to come home with me. I don't know what it was about this brother/sister duo but Pete and I fell in love with them enough to adopt both and bring them home today

All I know is that I am so happy to have these little guys around to complete our family (so far). They are entertaining and yet cuddly too

Last but not least I need to say one more thing to my husband and so should you

It is his 37th birthday in an hour and I am hoping to make it a special one. I got him an 80gb ipod nano to take all of his music and movies with him on deployment and I also took him to see Iron Man last weekend

I hope everyone is happy and healthy and I promise to do better with the updating from now on....well that is unless we are packing and moving in the next little bit


the 2 little fuzz balls are adorable make sure you tuck in your laces i think i see a pouncer in the dark one