Story of the day..............................
Who sucks at updating???
Yeah - I know I have been neglecting my SG duties lately but my life is full of know??
OK - some stuff has been going on over the last 2 weeks....brace yourselves
WORK - has been going well but it is kicking my ass in the amount of energy it is taking from me to get the job done. I am still having a good time but I am also a little worried about the place too since they have fired 4 girls in the 3 weeks I have been there. Granted they have all been let go for good reasons (being late or not showing up at all, yelling at the patients because they are frustrated, not getting along with the Doctores etc). I don't think I am in any danger of getting fired but there is always the worry.
HOUSE - Pete and I think that we have found THE house but are waiting on the loan paper work to be sent to us so we can fill them out and make the offer. This house is exactly what we are looking for and I felt right at home from the moment we set foot into it. Unfortunately I am worried that someone else is going to beat is with an offer and we won't get it
Oh well - happy thoughts right? Here is what it looks like from the front:
FAMILY PLANNING - Well, after trying and trying to get pregnant again since we had our miscarriage it was time to let the Doctor step in and help us. I went in for some blood work this week (twice....which resulted in 5 pokes....another story entirely) and a plan of action was made. As of first thing tomorrow morning, I will be on fertility drugs
. A somewhat scary thing since a side effect of the drug is multiple births but we both thought that in the long run this would better our chances of conceiving. Now it's out of our hands as to what the outcome is
OTHER NEWS - In other news, Petes grampa passed away last weekend and it has been hard on Pete. I never got to meet him but he sounded like a really amazing man and I know that he is going to be missed
This in turn makes me want to spend more time with Petes only living grandparent (his gramma) in order to get to know her better. I have gotten to meet here and she and I had a good ol' time being gals
We also had some work done recently to our glorious military housing
We got home late last Friday with a note on our door that they would be in our home Monday to install ceiling fans in every room in the house (because they were too cheap to put in air conditioning) as well as put in a new garage door and spray for termites. Of course all of you know that we have our little piggies who aren't technically suppose to be here since there is a no pet rule (stupid as far as I'm concerned) so it left me scrambling to find a place for the piggies to stay. For those of you who live in and around the Del Mar area, I HIGHLY reccomend THIS PLACE to leave your animals if you have to. It is quite literally a spa for your pets
If I weren't a human I would want to go there too
From the sounds of the staff (whom I phoned about 10 times a day to check on the piggies) my littlest piggy had the staff wrapped around his little paw
I was so worried about them but after seeing how happy they were when they came back I would take them there again if/when we go on holidays without even thinking twice
Other than that - all is well. I will try to get on here more to comment and update. I hope everyone is happy and healthy

Who sucks at updating???

Yeah - I know I have been neglecting my SG duties lately but my life is full of know??
OK - some stuff has been going on over the last 2 weeks....brace yourselves

WORK - has been going well but it is kicking my ass in the amount of energy it is taking from me to get the job done. I am still having a good time but I am also a little worried about the place too since they have fired 4 girls in the 3 weeks I have been there. Granted they have all been let go for good reasons (being late or not showing up at all, yelling at the patients because they are frustrated, not getting along with the Doctores etc). I don't think I am in any danger of getting fired but there is always the worry.
HOUSE - Pete and I think that we have found THE house but are waiting on the loan paper work to be sent to us so we can fill them out and make the offer. This house is exactly what we are looking for and I felt right at home from the moment we set foot into it. Unfortunately I am worried that someone else is going to beat is with an offer and we won't get it

FAMILY PLANNING - Well, after trying and trying to get pregnant again since we had our miscarriage it was time to let the Doctor step in and help us. I went in for some blood work this week (twice....which resulted in 5 pokes....another story entirely) and a plan of action was made. As of first thing tomorrow morning, I will be on fertility drugs

OTHER NEWS - In other news, Petes grampa passed away last weekend and it has been hard on Pete. I never got to meet him but he sounded like a really amazing man and I know that he is going to be missed

Other than that - all is well. I will try to get on here more to comment and update. I hope everyone is happy and healthy

have a great weekend

hi gorgeous