Story of the day................

Yup - it became official this afternoon
Which brings me to ask all of you.....have you ever been hired for a job that wasn't originally what you applied for??
Picture if you will.........
WhiteWidow applies for every medical job that she can find for about a weeks worth of time. Most of the people that call her back are interested in a Medical Receptionist (which is cool with her since she has done the blood, guts and gore route already). About a week into the job search, she gets a call from a really nice lady looking for a front desk Medical Receptionist for a Retinal Specialist Surgical office. After 3 seperate interviews (one with each Doctor that runs the practise) she is hired on the spot for the job.......sort of. The job that she is hired for is now including back office Medical Technician work too
This in turn means that sometimes she will answer phones and do Medical Records, and some times she will assist the Doctor in his eye surgeries
I am so excited to be hired by this company!!
I knew as soon as I met the first lady that I wanted to work with her and her staff. The company works out of 2 offices and the one I will be apart of only has 6 girls and 3 Doctors working at it......very similar to the clinic I worked on at my last base
I can't tell for sure if I will like it a year down the road but I am already liking everyone I have met and the clinic is very "homey" feeling
I can't believe that it has been a year since I left the military, and although I miss it still I hope that this new job will be just what I am looking for
The only thing that I have to learn that I am scared of is Spanish
but I hope it will be ok
On another note - I am feeling 100% better now and thanks to all of you who wished me well
With all of this finally coming together, it only seems right that I spend the day at Disneyland on Sunday.........but not just for fun
I am (yet again) going to go audition to be a dancer in one of their parades
Why you may ask??? Why not
Hope everyone is doing well


Yup - it became official this afternoon

WhiteWidow applies for every medical job that she can find for about a weeks worth of time. Most of the people that call her back are interested in a Medical Receptionist (which is cool with her since she has done the blood, guts and gore route already). About a week into the job search, she gets a call from a really nice lady looking for a front desk Medical Receptionist for a Retinal Specialist Surgical office. After 3 seperate interviews (one with each Doctor that runs the practise) she is hired on the spot for the job.......sort of. The job that she is hired for is now including back office Medical Technician work too

I am so excited to be hired by this company!!

I can't believe that it has been a year since I left the military, and although I miss it still I hope that this new job will be just what I am looking for

On another note - I am feeling 100% better now and thanks to all of you who wished me well

With all of this finally coming together, it only seems right that I spend the day at Disneyland on Sunday.........but not just for fun

Hope everyone is doing well

you rock