Story of the day.....................
So we finally got to go skating on Friday night and it was just what I needed
A Canadian is most happy out on the ice
I was so proud of PiratePete....he only fell once in the hour that we were out there
Here is a quick little video of our skating adventure
Yesterday was a very nice and relaxing day of visiting Petes mom,step mom and brother
I am so lucky to have these people in my life
Other than that.....There isn't much else going on
How was YOUR weekend??

So we finally got to go skating on Friday night and it was just what I needed

Yesterday was a very nice and relaxing day of visiting Petes mom,step mom and brother

Other than that.....There isn't much else going on

As for working on pc's in hospitals...big no. First, I am terrified of hospitals and most doctors as it is, after spending the first many years of my life in the "tender" cares of Navy doctors.
I think I need to get totally out of the pc support field. I just don't think something with the anticipatory stress is great for me. I mean, so far today nothing bad has happened, and yesterday was actually pretty decent, but I still feel like I'm going to barf at any moment, and feeling completely jittery. See, I know that any moment an asshole could be my next client, and that makes me very nervous.
Just trying to get through this week intact.
Love and hugs.