Story of the day...........................
Well - today Pete and I are suppose to be going skating (if he gets off of work in time) and I am really looking forward to it
I haven't been on the ice in 2 years (thanks to the knee injury) so this should be really interesting
I wish I could say that I skate like this:
but alas....I skate more like this:
I am not sure if Pete can skate or not but judging by the fact that he doesn't remember if he has ever been in ice skates tells me that I may be in for some fun
He has experience rollerblading so no matter what, he is already better than this guy:
I am going to try and remember to take my camera with me so that I can get some video of us actually skating
If nothing else - it should be entertaining
Well.......I just looked at the clock and it is now 1424hrs and we were planning on leaving by 1400hrs
Guess Pete got caught up at work which I understand. I was kind of hoping to make it to the Coast Guard Rectruiting centre today since we were going to be in the city anyways (that and the fact that I can't drive myself during the week) but I guess it wasn't meant to be today
Thats me - getting my hopes up for nothing
. Oh well - just as long as we still get to go skating and for a drink afterwards
What are your plans for the weekend?? Are you planning on being naughty or nice?

Well - today Pete and I are suppose to be going skating (if he gets off of work in time) and I am really looking forward to it

I wish I could say that I skate like this:
but alas....I skate more like this:
I am not sure if Pete can skate or not but judging by the fact that he doesn't remember if he has ever been in ice skates tells me that I may be in for some fun

I am going to try and remember to take my camera with me so that I can get some video of us actually skating

Well.......I just looked at the clock and it is now 1424hrs and we were planning on leaving by 1400hrs

What are your plans for the weekend?? Are you planning on being naughty or nice?

Let me know when the next audition is... I'll see if I can go with you guys and then we can hang at the Mouse House for the rest of the day.
Thank you so much for the love, sweetie. Any time you say things like "I realized that you and I are more alike than I ever thought", it makes me all the more happy. The weekend was torturously bad for me, thankfully Flux, LittleFierceOne and TheFox came over Saturday and spent much time with me helping to cheer me up and keep my mind off of things. Sunday night was a bitch, only slept a few hours, and those were filled with really bad dreams. **sigh** K_Rex gets home tonight, I can hardly wait for her to hold me.
**sigh** I really should eat something, but I've been throwing everything back up so I'm not eager to try again. I hate being so nervous. I need better drugs.
Love you. I am trying hard to force myself out of this...whatever it is.