Story of the day...................
Well hello everyone!!!
I am doing the Happy Dance today!!!

Why you may ask???

This is one year I will be glad to see go!
I have a great feeling about 2008 and I can't wait for it to begin
Sorry I have been crappy with the updates these days but Pete has had time off from the 15th of December all the way through to the 7th of January
so can use your imagination as to what we have been up to for his vacation

The holidays were as good as can be expected when you are all by yourselves
We spent Christmas Eve on the web cam with my family......which reminds me to warn you:
"If you have an annoying 6 year old cousin who is spoiled rotten and gets what ever he wants AND is an attention hog DON'T tell him that there is a camera that he can dominate
This was one time where I thought that a child should be strung up by his testicles and poked with a hot knife
I couldn't get a good visit in with ANYONE because he found it necessary to cover the camera and mic every time someone tried to talk to us

Christmas day brought us to Petes dads house for breakfast and we had a good time before they had to head out to his step moms family for dinner. With Petes mom, other step mom and brother away we were the official doggy sitters. Now here is an interesting story for you.......don't ever let us dog sit. The rules we were give were simple......don't let 2 specific dogs out at the same time, don't let them hop the fence and don't let one of them eat normal dog food. We managed to break all of these rules in about 5 minutes time
To be of the dogs learned how to open the door, the dog that was on a diet found the regular food and got about half a big bag into her before we could stop her and the 2 dogs that weren't to be out together got out AND hopped the fence.
I think my doggy sitting days are over

Hmmm - what else?
...............Pete got into the Holiday spirit and made these:

I'm so proud of his artistic creations
He spoiled me rotten this Christmas with lots of little things that I had mentioned or pointed out over the last year. Boy he listens great!!

I also think he liked his gift I got him but you will have to ask him yourself.
Other than that there isn't much else to report. We are going to his moms place for Christmas tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I missed having them around for the holidays
I also think that we are doing (suprise suprise) Disneyland this week before he has to head back to work
I also am hoping (that is if I can convince Pete to shoot it) to get another set shot this week before he goes back to work. I know I said that the last one I did was my last attempt but I don't know.....I'm feeling playful right now I perhaps I will get one more out of my system
Go tell him that he should shoot another set for me
Well - thats it for now. The only other thing I wanna say to all of you is:

Well hello everyone!!!

I am doing the Happy Dance today!!!

Why you may ask???


This is one year I will be glad to see go!

Sorry I have been crappy with the updates these days but Pete has had time off from the 15th of December all the way through to the 7th of January

The holidays were as good as can be expected when you are all by yourselves

"If you have an annoying 6 year old cousin who is spoiled rotten and gets what ever he wants AND is an attention hog DON'T tell him that there is a camera that he can dominate

This was one time where I thought that a child should be strung up by his testicles and poked with a hot knife

Christmas day brought us to Petes dads house for breakfast and we had a good time before they had to head out to his step moms family for dinner. With Petes mom, other step mom and brother away we were the official doggy sitters. Now here is an interesting story for you.......don't ever let us dog sit. The rules we were give were simple......don't let 2 specific dogs out at the same time, don't let them hop the fence and don't let one of them eat normal dog food. We managed to break all of these rules in about 5 minutes time

Hmmm - what else?

I'm so proud of his artistic creations

He spoiled me rotten this Christmas with lots of little things that I had mentioned or pointed out over the last year. Boy he listens great!!

Other than that there isn't much else to report. We are going to his moms place for Christmas tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I missed having them around for the holidays

Well - thats it for now. The only other thing I wanna say to all of you is:

SWEET!!!! Miss you!