Story of the day...............
Hmmmmm - I don't really know what to put here
Have you ever wanted somthing so bad that you thought you might never be able to have?? That is the case here right now
It is the one thing in life that I have always wanted.........the one thing to complete a pretty darn good life so far............somthing that I always took for granted that was easy to obtain. I am finding out the hard way though that it is further out of reach than I thought.
Don't get me wrong - I mean there are ways to go around the snags but it wouldn't be the same thing and it wouldn't really be mine. I guess that there are things in life that we can't control but it is pretty hard to accept when you are as pig headed and stubborn as I am. Oh well - all we need is some investigation to find some answers before doing somthing drastic to achieve this goal.
In other news:
I am finding it rather odd that out of all the touring I did with my dance company and all the postings I was on in the military that a simple move to the United States to be with my husband would be the one thing that triggers a wicked case of home sickness
Pretty silly if you ask me
Oh well - it will be nice to see them and have a little fun too!! Of course I'm gonna have to take one for the team and go to Disneyland with them next weekend
It will be kinda nice to have someone to talk to during the day while Pete is in school
Even better...........I'm going to see Ellen on the 11th of September
I know that alot of people don't like her but I find her to be hilarious
I think it will be fun to be at the taping and I'm gonna dance my ass off when I'm there
The house is really starting to come together now and with pictures up on the walls it actually looks like people live here
We have even taken the time to do some artsy fartsy stuff to the house
In any case - I should get going to try and make this place shine like a bald mans head
Don't want my parents to think I am a messy wife!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend

Hmmmmm - I don't really know what to put here

Have you ever wanted somthing so bad that you thought you might never be able to have?? That is the case here right now

In other news:
I am finding it rather odd that out of all the touring I did with my dance company and all the postings I was on in the military that a simple move to the United States to be with my husband would be the one thing that triggers a wicked case of home sickness

The house is really starting to come together now and with pictures up on the walls it actually looks like people live here

In any case - I should get going to try and make this place shine like a bald mans head

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Come to Las Vegas for some naked fun , and play with my toys.
I'll be there, I have to ask my boss if I can leave early so I can go since I normally don't get off work until 7. I'm excited to see your place. See you then!