Story of the day.......................
Well - it's Tuesday
.................just incase you didn't know
Not much to report today I'm afraid. That is one of the main reasons I miss my that I would have all those insane stories to tell you
Having the day to really sit and think about my future career, I have come up with a list of some of my dream jobs
Here are a few I would like to share with you
Like I stated in my last entry:
1. Dancing Blue Monkey in Disneys Fantasmic show
2. Comedy performer at Sea World
3. Dancer in Feet of Flames (and yes I can Irish dance
4. Dancer in any Cirque Du Soleil show
5. I would like to be a Green Doodle Bob who is the long lost cousin of these guys
and of course (for real)
6. Coast Guard Medic
Thats it
If there is a job out there that you think WhiteWidow should consider let me know. I'm always open to suggestions

Well - it's Tuesday

Not much to report today I'm afraid. That is one of the main reasons I miss my that I would have all those insane stories to tell you

Having the day to really sit and think about my future career, I have come up with a list of some of my dream jobs

Here are a few I would like to share with you

Like I stated in my last entry:
1. Dancing Blue Monkey in Disneys Fantasmic show
2. Comedy performer at Sea World
3. Dancer in Feet of Flames (and yes I can Irish dance

4. Dancer in any Cirque Du Soleil show
5. I would like to be a Green Doodle Bob who is the long lost cousin of these guys
and of course (for real)
6. Coast Guard Medic
Thats it

i'm sorry you're so lonely, dear. i hope it gets better. but i understand how it could suck!