i have to be up in 3 hours to get on a bus so that i can get my liver biopcey.gulp.
they can knumb the outside but they knumb your inerds. i've talk to someoone who had one and he said it sucked the big one, oh yeah i was was supposed to fast from 8pm until then. i quit eating but needless to say i have been drinking oh and they don't want me to smoke until then... hahaha fat chance.
fuck em
they can knumb the outside but they knumb your inerds. i've talk to someoone who had one and he said it sucked the big one, oh yeah i was was supposed to fast from 8pm until then. i quit eating but needless to say i have been drinking oh and they don't want me to smoke until then... hahaha fat chance.
fuck em
LOL.... hell yea dood, That sux big hairy balls!
LOL... well that's what my mom calls it. It's something along those linesz. he's like, at the top of the ranking... what would you call him if it's not general seargant commander? haha- i sound like an idiot, i don't even know what my uncle is.