I have returned from my absence. I have had to handle up on some drama and school is kicking my ass. I am in class at the moment. I have to go home and work on a project that is due tonight blah blah blah blah.
Kyle got his shit and moved out.YESSSS!!!!. I was coming home to tell him to go but he beat me to it. Saved me the trouble. That boy was way too demanding on me and my time. Great fun and good company but I cannot live with the boy. I don't think I am cut out to live with anyone. I am cool with that yo.
Got my hair done again. It is not as red as it was last time but I only paid 15 bucks for it so I cannot complain and it will be gone in a few weeks anyway.
My social life is picking up. I am being more outgoing and not hiding myself in a hole. The time for moping has passed. Yeah I still get lonely but not so much anymore. I am going to say in my apartment. My lease is up in July but I will renew it. I hate moving so listening to the little Chinese woman upstairs is the trade off i suppose.
My exhusband got married Saturday. I really hope she is the one for him. I really do like her. We get along well which is good. Stepmom to my kids. Am I old enough for that shit?
The weather has been pretty lately. Puts me in good spirits. Work is going well. Now Ijust need to pull up my falling grades and things will be fine. The boys are doing well.Mason is better.He is such a goof. I think I am going to take some pics and post them. I need some new ones.
Oh a lady is supposed to come by tonight andbuy the ferrets.I am selling the gun Cameron bought me. That is about 550 bucks total. Hey- party anyone? I am going to take some of the money and go shopping but I want to go to NewOrleans. I think I might. My birthday is coming up soon. Take a few days - and just cut loose.
I don't know yet. I do know that I need to get some. It's been a month. Too long. But Iam toopicky. There is this guy at work and he is good looking but he is missing the burger in his happy meal. I would be so embarrased if anyone knew we did anything because he is just that dumb. But I don't want to date him so we wouldn't exactly be having conversation much.
Well class is almost over and I need to get home and make myhouse smell like me again and not dirty boys. Grown men really should bathe more than every 3 days.
Edited for breaking news: My wipers work. Lying cunt wrecked her car and selfish asshole is her ride everywhere now. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Karma - Karma - Karma. But you know what - there is more to come. And yeah I am demented - but only when it comes to this.
Kyle got his shit and moved out.YESSSS!!!!. I was coming home to tell him to go but he beat me to it. Saved me the trouble. That boy was way too demanding on me and my time. Great fun and good company but I cannot live with the boy. I don't think I am cut out to live with anyone. I am cool with that yo.
Got my hair done again. It is not as red as it was last time but I only paid 15 bucks for it so I cannot complain and it will be gone in a few weeks anyway.
My social life is picking up. I am being more outgoing and not hiding myself in a hole. The time for moping has passed. Yeah I still get lonely but not so much anymore. I am going to say in my apartment. My lease is up in July but I will renew it. I hate moving so listening to the little Chinese woman upstairs is the trade off i suppose.
My exhusband got married Saturday. I really hope she is the one for him. I really do like her. We get along well which is good. Stepmom to my kids. Am I old enough for that shit?

The weather has been pretty lately. Puts me in good spirits. Work is going well. Now Ijust need to pull up my falling grades and things will be fine. The boys are doing well.Mason is better.He is such a goof. I think I am going to take some pics and post them. I need some new ones.
Oh a lady is supposed to come by tonight andbuy the ferrets.I am selling the gun Cameron bought me. That is about 550 bucks total. Hey- party anyone? I am going to take some of the money and go shopping but I want to go to NewOrleans. I think I might. My birthday is coming up soon. Take a few days - and just cut loose.
I don't know yet. I do know that I need to get some. It's been a month. Too long. But Iam toopicky. There is this guy at work and he is good looking but he is missing the burger in his happy meal. I would be so embarrased if anyone knew we did anything because he is just that dumb. But I don't want to date him so we wouldn't exactly be having conversation much.
Well class is almost over and I need to get home and make myhouse smell like me again and not dirty boys. Grown men really should bathe more than every 3 days.
Edited for breaking news: My wipers work. Lying cunt wrecked her car and selfish asshole is her ride everywhere now. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Karma - Karma - Karma. But you know what - there is more to come. And yeah I am demented - but only when it comes to this.
do you offer layaway?
have I commented on your hawtness lately?...
your hawtness is red hawt...