This so fucking rocks!!! I might get to see my girl TheBurningRed. If I can get off work. The plane trip is only about $320. And I so need some time away. First time I have ever spent Spring Break in Florida.
I so hope everything can go through. I know we would have a most excellent time. Sun, Sand and lotsa hot guys on a beach.What more could a girl ask for?
I am going to try and not get pessimistic about it. Somethings usually go wrong.
Happy thoughts. I would drive but it is 1183 miles. I would spend just as much on a rental car and gas as I would a plane ticket. Bad thing is that I won't know really until the last minute if I can go. Schedules don't usually come out until the day before. Hope fully I can corner the manager and badger it out of him.
Girl if I come-we are gonna have THE BEST time.
I so hope everything can go through. I know we would have a most excellent time. Sun, Sand and lotsa hot guys on a beach.What more could a girl ask for?
I am going to try and not get pessimistic about it. Somethings usually go wrong.
Happy thoughts. I would drive but it is 1183 miles. I would spend just as much on a rental car and gas as I would a plane ticket. Bad thing is that I won't know really until the last minute if I can go. Schedules don't usually come out until the day before. Hope fully I can corner the manager and badger it out of him.
Girl if I come-we are gonna have THE BEST time.
Good luck. It sure sounds like if anyone deserves a vacation you do.
