I say this in a sing-song voice so please imagine
FUCK YOU.....FUCK YOU.....FUCK YOU.... la dee dah....FUCK YOU....FUCK YOU.....FUCK YOU..... dum do bee do dum dum.
Oh yesh- and fuck you too. Lying to yourself will only get you bitch slapped by reality later.
I like that phrase, bitch slap.
This entry is out of boredom. My update is below. This class is boring. I should be paying attention since I know I failed the test here. Like I said one thing at a time.
FUCK YOU.....FUCK YOU.....FUCK YOU.... la dee dah....FUCK YOU....FUCK YOU.....FUCK YOU..... dum do bee do dum dum.
Oh yesh- and fuck you too. Lying to yourself will only get you bitch slapped by reality later.
I like that phrase, bitch slap.
This entry is out of boredom. My update is below. This class is boring. I should be paying attention since I know I failed the test here. Like I said one thing at a time.
you better come visit! i know of a million and 1 places we can get into trouble at! I sooo have to call you tonight, sorry i didn't last night...i still gotta tell you how my night went saturday!
no i didn't wear the shirt...i wore a skimpy backless halter top instead (which came in handy!)
by the way- i think i wrote that song! Let's sing it together!!!