This is the lying cunt that went behind my back and stole my boyfriend. She was nice to my face the whole time. She said that since I was two faced to her she had no problem lying to me. I never said one bad word about her to anyone. The only thing I ever said was it made me uncomfortable them hanging out together. She has been after him since day one. So - now I have no problem calling her a conniving little bitch. She is a complete waste of space. I know that both of them will get what they deserve and I am doing my best to erase all this from my memory. typical girl fashion, what the hell does she have that I don't? Well, appreantly she is easy. She is half my size - I could squash her. Well, the best idea I can think of is to let karma takes its course and acts as if they both don't exist. They are not worth my time, tears or heartache. They probably deserve each other.
I don't want him back - especially now. Just not sure how a guy can want someone so trashy. Yeah I am name calling - so what. One day he is telling me I am the love of his life and the next he is telling me he cannot fucking stand me. So pardon me if I am a little confused and trying to make some sense.
So - I am going to make a concerted effort to make these people not exist to me anymrore. I deserve better and he deserves the VD that she will give him.
So - if any of you guys are travelling through my part of town I would welcome the company. typical girl fashion, what the hell does she have that I don't? Well, appreantly she is easy. She is half my size - I could squash her. Well, the best idea I can think of is to let karma takes its course and acts as if they both don't exist. They are not worth my time, tears or heartache. They probably deserve each other.
I don't want him back - especially now. Just not sure how a guy can want someone so trashy. Yeah I am name calling - so what. One day he is telling me I am the love of his life and the next he is telling me he cannot fucking stand me. So pardon me if I am a little confused and trying to make some sense.
So - I am going to make a concerted effort to make these people not exist to me anymrore. I deserve better and he deserves the VD that she will give him.
So - if any of you guys are travelling through my part of town I would welcome the company.
im sorry to hear all this..but I must say I love the way you look at things..bravo girl.
Whats with the face on it! Ewww! He's have to put a pillow over her head when shaggn her! Gross. Chin up honey. You deserve better