So. My life wasn't really changed by Harry Potter. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. Perhaps the problem was not with the movie but with my expectations; when you endow something with so much excited expectation it has no choice but to let you down as it can never live up to the level of anticipation that you've placed upon it. It can't win, it never had a chance. Ah well, it was still exceptionally enjoyable.
Tonight, however, very much does have the power to change the direction of my life. I've been working on a screenplay for over a year now, with my writing partner, and we meet with our writing consultant tonight for his opinion. I know, he's just a consultant. But he's written with some of the best comedians of our age and now he's working with a screen-writing legend (at least I see him as such) on a TV show. So, needless to say, he knows his stuff. He's read our latest draft and will either tell us to return to the drawing board or tell us that we're on the right track and encourage us to continue forward. Phew. Very nervous about tonight. Again with the anticipation. Really, all I want, is validation that my story-telling and screenwriting talent is real. That's all. If I can get that, I'll be happy.
Perhaps, I'll have good news for you tomorrow.
Tonight, however, very much does have the power to change the direction of my life. I've been working on a screenplay for over a year now, with my writing partner, and we meet with our writing consultant tonight for his opinion. I know, he's just a consultant. But he's written with some of the best comedians of our age and now he's working with a screen-writing legend (at least I see him as such) on a TV show. So, needless to say, he knows his stuff. He's read our latest draft and will either tell us to return to the drawing board or tell us that we're on the right track and encourage us to continue forward. Phew. Very nervous about tonight. Again with the anticipation. Really, all I want, is validation that my story-telling and screenwriting talent is real. That's all. If I can get that, I'll be happy.
Perhaps, I'll have good news for you tomorrow.
I'm looking for some good news. Hope you're out celebrating