Episode 4 of my Dystopian Nintendo webseries There Will Be Brawl is up. Go me. It's a good episode. They're doing a recut of it right now to make it even better. We're half way through the webseries and it's really starting to pick up. If you want to watch some of it, therewillbebrawl.com. I'm a Luigi. We're prepping for Episode 5 right now. There's a lot of shit that goes down in Episode 5! It's pretty amazing.
Been a while since my last post, sorry kids. I'm trying to temper how much time I spend on the suicidegirls website as it can quickly become a delicious addiction. Addictions take energy away from other things and, as much as I love my suicidegirls, I don't want to obsess over them OR the website. You know?
I've got my improv show tonight. I'm still the Greek Philosopher Origenes in that show! We'll see if our improvised Soap opera will bring us to the Christian Overthrow of Ancient Rome tonight. Damn Christians and their Political Savvy! So, if you have nothing to do tonight (yeah right, this crowd? You'll all be out gettin' yo drink on!) and you live in Los Angeles...9pm, Acme Comedy Theatre! Go us!
I booked an internet commercial yesterday! Hooray for me! It shoots next Wednesday. I think I get to wear Mom Jeans in it. I'm not sure yet, the wardrobe fitting is on Monday, so I'll check in with you on that day, faithful readers, to let you know ALL about it as I'm sure you'll all be DYING to know if I get to wear Mom Jeans in an AMPM convenience store. We'll see.
If you're reading this, and you're not my friend, I'd like to know more about you. Be my friend, send me a message, and let's become friends. I'm not new to this site, but I'm new to posting on it and actively trying to seek out new friends and such. So. let's get to know one another. Maybe...come over to my place, have a couple drinks...eat some grapes...watch some videos...get to know one another...You know.
So, that's all that's fit to tell you about in My life. TONS going on, but this is your glimmer into it!
Been a while since my last post, sorry kids. I'm trying to temper how much time I spend on the suicidegirls website as it can quickly become a delicious addiction. Addictions take energy away from other things and, as much as I love my suicidegirls, I don't want to obsess over them OR the website. You know?
I've got my improv show tonight. I'm still the Greek Philosopher Origenes in that show! We'll see if our improvised Soap opera will bring us to the Christian Overthrow of Ancient Rome tonight. Damn Christians and their Political Savvy! So, if you have nothing to do tonight (yeah right, this crowd? You'll all be out gettin' yo drink on!) and you live in Los Angeles...9pm, Acme Comedy Theatre! Go us!
I booked an internet commercial yesterday! Hooray for me! It shoots next Wednesday. I think I get to wear Mom Jeans in it. I'm not sure yet, the wardrobe fitting is on Monday, so I'll check in with you on that day, faithful readers, to let you know ALL about it as I'm sure you'll all be DYING to know if I get to wear Mom Jeans in an AMPM convenience store. We'll see.
If you're reading this, and you're not my friend, I'd like to know more about you. Be my friend, send me a message, and let's become friends. I'm not new to this site, but I'm new to posting on it and actively trying to seek out new friends and such. So. let's get to know one another. Maybe...come over to my place, have a couple drinks...eat some grapes...watch some videos...get to know one another...You know.
So, that's all that's fit to tell you about in My life. TONS going on, but this is your glimmer into it!
Thanks? Im not sure what for though