hot shot walking up and down the block
i like it how her mini skirt keeps crawling up
she turns boys into toys, winnin all of their affection
she gives me such a shock
baby i am no exception

i always get too shy
each time she gives me the eye
i got it bad but it's getting worse
i can't deny

she makes me...
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Awwww that's so cute biggrin
So for some time now, multiple years, i've been battling addictions as I have an addictive personality. when i have a girlfriend i'm addicted to her and sex, when i don't i turn to alcohol, when i decide that booze isn't helping and i come to my senses, i switch to coffee or caffeine in general, then when i come close to dying from the...
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heartattack59 said :
i'm not going home with no one

does that mean you are going home with someone wink

oh and we are scheduled to practice tomorrow but bevis christ said he cant make it so we could use a stand in bass player if that guy that spraypaint knows shows up to play drums<----if you dont know whats going on this whole statement doesnt make sense biggrin skull

I have an addictive personality as well - maybe not as bad as what you were describing for yourself...but I can relate.

Take care of you

x x x
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy - James Madison

War should only be declared by the authority of the people, whose toils and treasures are to support its burdens, instead of the government which is to reap its fruits - James Madison (Makes you wonder why he didn't write that into the...
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i think i might start a fight club wink
Like in the movie? If so, that is so weird cause I was just telling my brother yesterday we should start one. shocked
North American Union and the Amero - united American currency... due by 2010

So if you though the creation of the North American Union (similar to the European Union - an open border union twix US, Canada, and Mexico) was just a crazy left-wing conspiracy... here's some proof. This is also the reason for the lack of border control and the passport crackdown on Canadian...
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true true, we were supposed to have a Republic, by treating our country like a Democracy we effectively signed its death warrant. once they started getting into every single aspect of our lives it turned us from a free society to an Oligarchy. Republicans ARE for small government, a 1 man government.
I don't think I'd go so far as to call it a one man government. At least, if it is, I doubt it's the man whose face represents us. I think a few people are required in order to run the show as effectively as it's been run. They need at least one guy to tell them what to say because they're all morons and they need one guy to control the press and another guy to be the face so when the shit comes down, he can take all the heat and rest can keep on perpetuating. Yeah, you're looking at three dudes at least.
So, you want the truth?

Thanks to Kelly, I was made aware of a very important documentary about Christianity, 9/11, the Global War on Terror and the future of the American way of life. This is not just for people who are politically minded or active because this information effects all of us. The future of banking, identification, control of resources, Big Brother, and other...
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one hour eight mins 56 secs makes me sick to my stomache
totally interesting
Every saturday I work with the three most bitter sons of bitches at my job. Even though it's only from 8-12, it's still annoying enough to get to me a little bit. Two of them have been divorced multiple times and the third is just cranky because he's pussy-whipped. Everytime you mention a girl around them you get all this anti-marriage rhetoric spewed at you...
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im not really into the whole marriage thing i dont need the church and the state to tell me when im in love with some one but maybe its the jerkoffs in question that are demonsblackeyed and the ladies are nice
Perhaps you've heard the phrase "I am my own worst enemy?" I am so writing a book for men on how to better understand women. Women will hate me for giving up all the woman secrets until everything starts working out in their relationships.

PS...dude, you SO stole my blog
Talking to a friend I was reminded of a CD I made of songs that I wanted to a) watch a girl strip to and/or b) make out to. I went back and found the CD and revised it and here are 20 or so of those songs.

In no particular order

Twice as Hard - The Black Crowes
Little Lover - AC/DC
Rattlesnake Shake...
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Application? wink
haha the best part is that he lobsters at a pier full of dirty, horny old men that are always asking about me.
Let me preface this by describing to you the back of my car... I have the following bumper stickers (these first three don't count for the story... Pittsburgh Penguins, Columbus Bluejackets, Germany) "Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism", "Support our Troops - Impeach our President", "Truth is the First Casualty of War", "Flag Shmag! I Heart the Constitution", "These Colors Dont' Run... The World",...
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troop hater tongue
Haha, yeah that's the one sticker I forgot to mention "My friend got shot it in Iraq and all I got was this lousy bumper sticker"
Yay! Today I got a new tattoo guy who actually knew my old tattoo guy so he already gave me the "I know this guy" discount, which was 2 for the price of 1 today. I have pics of my new ink in my pics section, the bagua is on my shoulder and the pirate flag is on my boob (both left side). I got...
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I don't believe I was ever informed that an application needed to be filled out, but I assure you I am highly qualified. Unless you've decided "I'm not your type." smile
I had another political rant written but I figured I'd spare you all since I've been on a non-stop rave about this or that since I joined SG. There is another reason for me to put ink to paper (or finger to key) and that is poetry... I am a musician after all, and what's poetry but songs w/o music (that sounds manly doesn't it...
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Responses to your responses to my random questions:

- New Years Day is an interesting one...a lot of people mentioned New Year, and I've always considered my birthday to be the start of a new year for me wink Actual New Years was just a lot of hype and stuff to me. But you're right - we could all use a clean slate wink

I love fall as well. It's my favorite. It does make me sad though because it means that winter is coming too.

That's an incredible piece of writing smile