But I'm going to try to be more entertaining on here. It's the last platform I have to speak openly without having to censor myself for family or friends. Alas, I'm sick with a headache so I can't think of anything fun to talk about so here are some pictures of my cats enjoying Thanksgiving.

(From top: Jensen, Slash, Tonks)

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Aww, your cats are soo cute! :3 And get well soon!💗
@redkaya the cats names (from top to bottom) are Jensen, Slash, and Tonks.

I realized recently that writing has always been my way of coping, or escaping. In my teens it was songs; in my 20s it was poems; now it is stories. It occurs to me the reason for the evolution. Songs are quick escapes, fast and loud but brief. The angry refuge of an angst ridden boy. I returned quickly to a world with problems solved...
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I'm still not quite used to this new SG site which is why I have been rather quiet on here lately. I'm not sure I like the new format. Some of the stuff is clunky and some of my favorite parts about the site are gone or tucked away behind a dozen clicks. Oh well, change happens, the only thing we can do is adapt....
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The girlfriend has gone to Hungary for a week and while the cat is away, the mice will play... video games. I'll probably just stay home and play a lot of video games. That is, after I finish all this damn reading for environmental history class.
I love girls in glasses. love

That is all.

One of my roommates has become unbearable to live with. At least once a week when I come home from work my stuff is moved, the kitchen is rearranged, or the TV is at an obnoxiously loud volume, which I can hear through the floor while I'm trying to study or nap before class. And then after class it is equally as loud when I'm...
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I keep forgetting how much fun the SG community is.

School has kept me away from everything for the past year so I only really get to enjoy the internet once a week but hot damn have I missed a lot on here.

I've been watching a lot of old movies on TCM lately, it's been Lauren Bacall month so of course they showed How...
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tonight: friends, pizza, whiskey, games, fun.

I've been trying to be understanding with a person, putting their real feelings ahead of my own theoretical insecurities but my patience is hanging on by a thread and this person is running with scissors. you can only throw yourself into someone's walls so many times before it's time to pick your bloody self off the concrete and walk...
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Well my brother and his boyfriend are officially moved into my house now and I'm already happier than I was with my last roommate. As selfish as the previous was, the new guys are completely generous, hell they've only been here since Sunday and have already bought me two meals! I'm sure something will get us in a tizzy at some point for now I'm...
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