Well my brother and his boyfriend are officially moved into my house now and I'm already happier than I was with my last roommate. As selfish as the previous was, the new guys are completely generous, hell they've only been here since Sunday and have already bought me two meals! I'm sure something will get us in a tizzy at some point for now I'm just going to enjoy it. I haven't lived with my brother in years and it's pretty awesome having him back in my life like this, even if it's only for a year or two. Plus they have a PS3 so I don't have to stop playing Marvel Pinball or Black Ops while I save up for my own
Plus they arrived just in time for my computer to break so I can use their awesome new one! What is family for after all if not to use their stuff that's better than yours
Off to go drink wine and eat Puerto Rican food.
Plus they arrived just in time for my computer to break so I can use their awesome new one! What is family for after all if not to use their stuff that's better than yours
Off to go drink wine and eat Puerto Rican food.