I feel bad for her but I had to do it, I'm just not looking for a rock to be tied to my leg right now. Here I am on my Saturday off watching 30 Rock on Netflix, waiting for my pizza to get here so I can soak up some of the beer I've already drank today by myself. Sometimes I rather enjoy the single life. Maybe after this episode I'll play video games till I fall asleep on the couch with the controller in my hand.
What's that honey? Get off my lazy ass and run the dishwasher? I'm sorry, you don't exist. So I'm gonna have another beer and not put on pants.
What's that honey? Get off my lazy ass and run the dishwasher? I'm sorry, you don't exist. So I'm gonna have another beer and not put on pants.

hahaha! don't blame you one bit! sounds like a great evening to me