It's been so long since I've frequented this site I thought I'd get back into it. Going so long without writing has created quite a backlog of shit in my head. Not that I haven't had any inspiration, I just haven't really had a forum. I've been spending too much time on facebook and all those superficial statuses are melting my braincells. You're at work and something goofy happened, I don't care. Somebody you thought was hot just walked by you at the mall, what the hell do you want me to say? Facebook, Twitter, texting and the like have created a nation of 140 character minds and that's just not enough for me. This is why Fox News and reality shows are so popular. These days people just want bumper sticker sound bites. They just wanna turn their minds off and zone out. It's junk food TV.
On a lighter note, now that it's getting warmer I'm getting excited about Pedal to the Point. Despite the soreness, the fatigue, the sun, it's becoming my favorite part of the summer. A great time with great friends for a great cause. I hope more people can join us this year, they don't know what they're missing.
On a lighter note, now that it's getting warmer I'm getting excited about Pedal to the Point. Despite the soreness, the fatigue, the sun, it's becoming my favorite part of the summer. A great time with great friends for a great cause. I hope more people can join us this year, they don't know what they're missing.
pedal to the point huh?!!? that sounds fun. im in.