North American Union and the Amero - united American currency... due by 2010
So if you though the creation of the North American Union (similar to the European Union - an open border union twix US, Canada, and Mexico) was just a crazy left-wing conspiracy... here's some proof. This is also the reason for the lack of border control and the passport crackdown on Canadian transportation.
North American Union to replace USA?
Sourcewatch - North American Union
If you need MORE proof, they've already started converting American Currency to what is going to be known as "Ameros". In an article in the Plain Dealer today they showed that the Canadian dollar has now become equal to the American dollar (ACTUALLY $1000.00 US = $999.99 Canadian) . As if that's not enough... it has been leaked that they already started producing Ameros and some were leaked at a Mint in Colorado. This is what we will be using as money in 2010 if Bush and croneys have their way. YES I said 2010, this plan started way back in 1991 by George Sr. and his New World Order (AKA Agenda 21... look it up)
Also... to anger you some more. The Protect America Act is up for renewal. Sounds great right? WELL, this is the act that gives the Bush Administration the power to spy on us, illegal wiretapping, reading our emails, watching us from helicopters... This renewed and "updated" Bill would give the President MORE power and a wider definition of "terror suspect", essentially making any American citizen a target. Yet they still say "trust your government" when THEY won't trust US. Please call or write your Congressman and urge him to vote AGAINST the Protect America Act, as it should be called the Spy On Innocent Americans Act.
I promised myself no political rants for a few blogs but damnit if the government doesn't just piss me off all the time. Why won't Americans open their eyes, Canada sees all this, but the only State with knowledge of this NAU is Texas because the Super Highway is already being built.
So if you though the creation of the North American Union (similar to the European Union - an open border union twix US, Canada, and Mexico) was just a crazy left-wing conspiracy... here's some proof. This is also the reason for the lack of border control and the passport crackdown on Canadian transportation.
North American Union to replace USA?
Sourcewatch - North American Union
If you need MORE proof, they've already started converting American Currency to what is going to be known as "Ameros". In an article in the Plain Dealer today they showed that the Canadian dollar has now become equal to the American dollar (ACTUALLY $1000.00 US = $999.99 Canadian) . As if that's not enough... it has been leaked that they already started producing Ameros and some were leaked at a Mint in Colorado. This is what we will be using as money in 2010 if Bush and croneys have their way. YES I said 2010, this plan started way back in 1991 by George Sr. and his New World Order (AKA Agenda 21... look it up)
Also... to anger you some more. The Protect America Act is up for renewal. Sounds great right? WELL, this is the act that gives the Bush Administration the power to spy on us, illegal wiretapping, reading our emails, watching us from helicopters... This renewed and "updated" Bill would give the President MORE power and a wider definition of "terror suspect", essentially making any American citizen a target. Yet they still say "trust your government" when THEY won't trust US. Please call or write your Congressman and urge him to vote AGAINST the Protect America Act, as it should be called the Spy On Innocent Americans Act.
I promised myself no political rants for a few blogs but damnit if the government doesn't just piss me off all the time. Why won't Americans open their eyes, Canada sees all this, but the only State with knowledge of this NAU is Texas because the Super Highway is already being built.
true true, we were supposed to have a Republic, by treating our country like a Democracy we effectively signed its death warrant. once they started getting into every single aspect of our lives it turned us from a free society to an Oligarchy. Republicans ARE for small government, a 1 man government.
I don't think I'd go so far as to call it a one man government. At least, if it is, I doubt it's the man whose face represents us. I think a few people are required in order to run the show as effectively as it's been run. They need at least one guy to tell them what to say because they're all morons and they need one guy to control the press and another guy to be the face so when the shit comes down, he can take all the heat and rest can keep on perpetuating. Yeah, you're looking at three dudes at least.