So, you want the truth?
Thanks to Kelly, I was made aware of a very important documentary about Christianity, 9/11, the Global War on Terror and the future of the American way of life. This is not just for people who are politically minded or active because this information effects all of us. The future of banking, identification, control of resources, Big Brother, and other such pertinent topics are addressed and are relative to EVERY person's life in this country,and in the world.
Part 1 addresses Christianity and it's roots in Paganism and Astrology (very mind-blowing)
Part 2 and 3 (starting at about 37.00) deal with the truth behind 9/11, the Global War on Terror, and the US War on American civil liberties and global industrialism.
This is not propaganda, this is people playing with our lives like we were toy soldiers or dolls. It's incredibly interesting and eye-opening and I urge all of you to watch this video... You can skip easily if you dont' want to watch it all in one sitting but I have to say this is one of the best documentaries I've seen on the topic and it's really important that you all watch it.
if you don't have the stomach for that, here's an appetizer
Thanks to Kelly, I was made aware of a very important documentary about Christianity, 9/11, the Global War on Terror and the future of the American way of life. This is not just for people who are politically minded or active because this information effects all of us. The future of banking, identification, control of resources, Big Brother, and other such pertinent topics are addressed and are relative to EVERY person's life in this country,and in the world.
Part 1 addresses Christianity and it's roots in Paganism and Astrology (very mind-blowing)
Part 2 and 3 (starting at about 37.00) deal with the truth behind 9/11, the Global War on Terror, and the US War on American civil liberties and global industrialism.
This is not propaganda, this is people playing with our lives like we were toy soldiers or dolls. It's incredibly interesting and eye-opening and I urge all of you to watch this video... You can skip easily if you dont' want to watch it all in one sitting but I have to say this is one of the best documentaries I've seen on the topic and it's really important that you all watch it.
if you don't have the stomach for that, here's an appetizer
one hour eight mins 56 secs makes me sick to my stomache
totally interesting