Every saturday I work with the three most bitter sons of bitches at my job. Even though it's only from 8-12, it's still annoying enough to get to me a little bit. Two of them have been divorced multiple times and the third is just cranky because he's pussy-whipped. Everytime you mention a girl around them you get all this anti-marriage rhetoric spewed at you for an hour. "Girls are the devil, they'll just take your money and cut off your balls, if you have a kid you just signed away your paychecks." Their advice to me is always "just fuck her and get out before she wakes up". I always promise myself that I won't grow up to be that bitter and cynical. Whenever I think they might be getting to me I just look at my dad (who also works saturdays) who still takes his wife out to dinner and tells her she's pretty and buys her flowers for no reason. And then I look at my brother who just got married at 32 and realize there's still hope out there, mayhaps I just haven't found the right path yet. I've been with so many wrong women I'm bound to find the right one sooner or later, it's just the law of averages. With all this black karma there's got to be some white in there somewhere doesn't there? No matter how bad it may seem sometimes I've got to keep thinking that whoever is out there is still out there and I haven't blown my chance already. I just can't end up being 57 telling some 26 year old kid that love is a sham and women are demons. I won't let their bitterness rub off on me. I know I can be quite guarded and I put up walls for obvious reasons, but just because I've been burned 4 or 5 times doesn't mean my heart has gone cold, I just keep it in a stronger safe. Sorry for all the emo...
I'm watching So I Married An Axe-Murderer, I love this movie, Charlie's father is the best! "He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow" haha.
I'm watching So I Married An Axe-Murderer, I love this movie, Charlie's father is the best! "He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow" haha.
PS...dude, you SO stole my blog