Yay! Today I got a new tattoo guy who actually knew my old tattoo guy so he already gave me the "I know this guy" discount, which was 2 for the price of 1 today. I have pics of my new ink in my pics section, the bagua is on my shoulder and the pirate flag is on my boob (both left side). I got to get the bagua touched up but I have to wait for it to heal first. I just need somebody now to help put A&D on my back.
Over the summer I've gained like 10 lbs. all centered around my belly, giving me some minor love handles. This may not seem like a big deal to you all but I battled weight problems in high school and you never fully get over those... but anyways! I've attributed it to 3 things which are easy to solve.
1. I've been single for about 5-6 months now and that may not seem like a good enough reason but let me explain quickly. Since single, I no longer have that steady stream of sex to work out, and as well all know, sex is a GREAT workout for your abs and arms. So I need a new regular sex partner to help keep me in shape, especially since winter is approaching in a few months and I won't be able to go running in the park anymore.
2. (Nice transition) This summer has been really hot and humid, like moreso than last year even and so I haven't been going out in the park as often because last time I did I almost passed out from heat stroke. So goddamnit weather, get cool again, for crying out loud we border Canada! AND a lake!! This heat is ridiculous. And don't start any global warming shit because as a scientist of geology I can tell you that humans do not cause global warming and al gore's movie is just propaganda (he left out 1 HUGE key element of the air... water vapor, which makes up 95% of atmospheric gases). You get more CFC's from natural salt emissions in evaporating seawater than people. Humans are so egotistical...
3. Before in my job I was working in the warehouse half the time because the delivery side had too many drivers to keep us all busy, so I had alot of workout walking around, lifting heavy things, and such... But now that us delivery fellas are driving I've been sitting on my ass all day at work and all that food I eat just sits there and developing a nice little "trucker gut". The male version of "secretary ass". So I need to get this job as a park ranger/tour guide so I can get back to excercising more.
Oh and I'm currently taking applications for solving problem #1.
Over the summer I've gained like 10 lbs. all centered around my belly, giving me some minor love handles. This may not seem like a big deal to you all but I battled weight problems in high school and you never fully get over those... but anyways! I've attributed it to 3 things which are easy to solve.
1. I've been single for about 5-6 months now and that may not seem like a good enough reason but let me explain quickly. Since single, I no longer have that steady stream of sex to work out, and as well all know, sex is a GREAT workout for your abs and arms. So I need a new regular sex partner to help keep me in shape, especially since winter is approaching in a few months and I won't be able to go running in the park anymore.
2. (Nice transition) This summer has been really hot and humid, like moreso than last year even and so I haven't been going out in the park as often because last time I did I almost passed out from heat stroke. So goddamnit weather, get cool again, for crying out loud we border Canada! AND a lake!! This heat is ridiculous. And don't start any global warming shit because as a scientist of geology I can tell you that humans do not cause global warming and al gore's movie is just propaganda (he left out 1 HUGE key element of the air... water vapor, which makes up 95% of atmospheric gases). You get more CFC's from natural salt emissions in evaporating seawater than people. Humans are so egotistical...
3. Before in my job I was working in the warehouse half the time because the delivery side had too many drivers to keep us all busy, so I had alot of workout walking around, lifting heavy things, and such... But now that us delivery fellas are driving I've been sitting on my ass all day at work and all that food I eat just sits there and developing a nice little "trucker gut". The male version of "secretary ass". So I need to get this job as a park ranger/tour guide so I can get back to excercising more.
Oh and I'm currently taking applications for solving problem #1.
I don't believe I was ever informed that an application needed to be filled out, but I assure you I am highly qualified. Unless you've decided "I'm not your type."