Minneapolis... victim of another Bush catastrophe 
I'm sorry for being so crude about this but I am absolutely fucking disgusted about this whole Minnesota bridge incident. Yes I'm saddened by the loss of life and my heart goes out to those affected (yes I'm talking to you my Fluffy McCuddle-slut), but worse is the way it's being handled not only by Governor Pawlenty but by the Federal government (yes I'm pointing my finger at you Bush). I was listening to Bush's press conference yesterday and he spent less than 1 minute saying "A bridge fell and we should fix it" and then proceeded to blame the Democratic Congress even though it was Republican Governor who vetoed two transportation bills to provide the funding needed to repair and improve the infrastructure of the bridge (declared unsafe 6 years ago). Why did Bush blame the Federal Congress? Because they didn't pass his federal spending bill. Funding for domestic infrastructure?? NO, a bill calling for billions of more dollars to fund his stupid fucking pointless war in Iraq!! Of course he didn't mention that in his speech... Instead of offering sympathies to the victims of this tragedy, he bashed the Democrats and pointed fingers! (*cough* just like Hitler *cough*) I was so angry listening to it I almost threw up on myself. He was so cold and heartless it was extremly un-Presidential. He also noted that Congress was going on their annual vacation this month so he couldn't get any new toys till September, boo hoo!! Plus the Iraqi Congress is going on vacation because it's "130 degrees in August in Iraq" OK but what about our friends who are over there, carrying 100 lbs of gear in the same heat?! He's such a fucking incompassionate, insensitive prick it makes me physically ill. Bush is more concerned with pushing his stupid spending bills and spewing his Fascist agenda than offering condolences to the families of the dead and wounded in Minneapolis. He once again, like in Katrina, turned tragedy into personal politics using it to attack the Democratic process. If this isn't more reason for impeachment I don't know what is. He's like an 8 year old bully who says "It's not my fault his nose is bleeding, he wouldn't give me his lunch money!"
Some more fun facts about the bridge collapse. It's estimated that it would cost $122 million to build the new bridge... Bush's wallet turned out a whopping $5 milllion from the US Emergency Relief Fund!!! That's about 4.1% of the total cost. And why aren't there more funds allocated to such a cause, because we're spending 12 Billion (yes BILLION) a month in Iraq and they're so in debt they're making the soldiers pay for equipment they break (or is damaged during combat, honestly). Republican Governer Pawlenty vetoed a bill to repair the bridge TWICE because he didn't want the .05 a gallon gas tax. Human life isn't worth five friggin' cents?? The safety of your constituents isn't worth five cents?? Plus he diverted funds from infrastructure improvement to fund his new baseball stadium and to promote a ban on gay marraige... where are your priorities!! Fhrer Bush also also doesn't realize it's the Federal government's responsibility to repair and update interstate roads and bridges. However in recent years Bush and croneys have been trying to privatise said public works by selling our highways and bridges to overseas investors in the Middle East (y'know where the "terrorists" are). Just like they did with our ports, so essentially those important transportation routes and port systems would be owned by the very people who the government says are trying to kill us. Thanks once again for protecting us.
Y'know after all this I'm more worried about the Presidents lack of domestic funding leading to the collapse of important infrastructures than of terrorists bombing said structures. He bitches about "Homeland Security" but he won't fund Domestic Projects, all of our money is overseas while WE are falling apart.
My motto these last few years has been "Support the Troops because Bush won't"... it's now expanding more and more to other things the Federal Government is supposed to do for it's citizens financially. He wants the government to CONTROL everything but won't HELP anyone, what a goddamn prick. I would not be surprised if Halliburton got the contract to rebuild the bridge. (Just a little conspiracy snausage for you)
Minnesota, you are a beautiful state and you deserve better than this!
"You have no heart, you have no shame, you take true love and give the blame"
- Hank Williams

I'm sorry for being so crude about this but I am absolutely fucking disgusted about this whole Minnesota bridge incident. Yes I'm saddened by the loss of life and my heart goes out to those affected (yes I'm talking to you my Fluffy McCuddle-slut), but worse is the way it's being handled not only by Governor Pawlenty but by the Federal government (yes I'm pointing my finger at you Bush). I was listening to Bush's press conference yesterday and he spent less than 1 minute saying "A bridge fell and we should fix it" and then proceeded to blame the Democratic Congress even though it was Republican Governor who vetoed two transportation bills to provide the funding needed to repair and improve the infrastructure of the bridge (declared unsafe 6 years ago). Why did Bush blame the Federal Congress? Because they didn't pass his federal spending bill. Funding for domestic infrastructure?? NO, a bill calling for billions of more dollars to fund his stupid fucking pointless war in Iraq!! Of course he didn't mention that in his speech... Instead of offering sympathies to the victims of this tragedy, he bashed the Democrats and pointed fingers! (*cough* just like Hitler *cough*) I was so angry listening to it I almost threw up on myself. He was so cold and heartless it was extremly un-Presidential. He also noted that Congress was going on their annual vacation this month so he couldn't get any new toys till September, boo hoo!! Plus the Iraqi Congress is going on vacation because it's "130 degrees in August in Iraq" OK but what about our friends who are over there, carrying 100 lbs of gear in the same heat?! He's such a fucking incompassionate, insensitive prick it makes me physically ill. Bush is more concerned with pushing his stupid spending bills and spewing his Fascist agenda than offering condolences to the families of the dead and wounded in Minneapolis. He once again, like in Katrina, turned tragedy into personal politics using it to attack the Democratic process. If this isn't more reason for impeachment I don't know what is. He's like an 8 year old bully who says "It's not my fault his nose is bleeding, he wouldn't give me his lunch money!"
Some more fun facts about the bridge collapse. It's estimated that it would cost $122 million to build the new bridge... Bush's wallet turned out a whopping $5 milllion from the US Emergency Relief Fund!!! That's about 4.1% of the total cost. And why aren't there more funds allocated to such a cause, because we're spending 12 Billion (yes BILLION) a month in Iraq and they're so in debt they're making the soldiers pay for equipment they break (or is damaged during combat, honestly). Republican Governer Pawlenty vetoed a bill to repair the bridge TWICE because he didn't want the .05 a gallon gas tax. Human life isn't worth five friggin' cents?? The safety of your constituents isn't worth five cents?? Plus he diverted funds from infrastructure improvement to fund his new baseball stadium and to promote a ban on gay marraige... where are your priorities!! Fhrer Bush also also doesn't realize it's the Federal government's responsibility to repair and update interstate roads and bridges. However in recent years Bush and croneys have been trying to privatise said public works by selling our highways and bridges to overseas investors in the Middle East (y'know where the "terrorists" are). Just like they did with our ports, so essentially those important transportation routes and port systems would be owned by the very people who the government says are trying to kill us. Thanks once again for protecting us.
Y'know after all this I'm more worried about the Presidents lack of domestic funding leading to the collapse of important infrastructures than of terrorists bombing said structures. He bitches about "Homeland Security" but he won't fund Domestic Projects, all of our money is overseas while WE are falling apart.
My motto these last few years has been "Support the Troops because Bush won't"... it's now expanding more and more to other things the Federal Government is supposed to do for it's citizens financially. He wants the government to CONTROL everything but won't HELP anyone, what a goddamn prick. I would not be surprised if Halliburton got the contract to rebuild the bridge. (Just a little conspiracy snausage for you)
Minnesota, you are a beautiful state and you deserve better than this!
"You have no heart, you have no shame, you take true love and give the blame"
- Hank Williams
That bridge construction was a big factor in it falling, they said that the re-surfacing weakened the overall structure because of the way it was built back in the 60s. It wasn't meant to hold that much weight. Pawlenty can't find money to fix important transportation routes but at least those damn gays won't be getting married in MN anytime soon! Hooray Priorities!!
You said it. And it's so sad, because Minneapolis has one of the largest gay communities in the country who all pay taxes here for things like, um, I don't know...BRIDGE repair, maybe? But, you're right, it's best the gays are kept in their place, as far below the straight community as possible. What do we want a stupid little thing like equality for?