Especially when you're in a wheelchair/have a disability. This is me ranting and bummed and since I doubt anyone reads or actually cares about my profile I'll write my frustrations here.

I just don't get it? I don't get why guys are scared to date a girl in a wheelchair?! I mean I think I'm cool - I love horror movies, art, music,nerdy stuff, etc...
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 I wish I  had words of wisdom to convey upon you to make you feel better. But don't lose hope.
I too use a wheelchair and it seems like people don't see you unless they're looking down. Or just avoid looking at all. But I haven't given up. I don't think the ones that do see me think of me as dating material.

Hi I'm new to the SG community. I'd love to draw SG's and hopefuls. I'm not the best artist, I have a physical disability which also affects my hands so my work isn't the greatest but I still love to draw. If anyone's interested in letting me draw them message me :)