the artist is the worst kind of god, all the power and none of the skills, the most-missed of which being humility which, let's face it, we all could use a bit more of--the learners included and perhaps most of all. the artist creates by design, watching over creation like it knows it can, running away to see what everyone else dreams because it, too, has seen this night, and it knows that the darkness is vacuum if it has no one there to believe it exists. it still doubts that, yes, even after all these years, it still doubts itself in terms of visits from strangers and random acts and other trappings of aristocracy. the artist creates by design and designs a belief untl others are taken in to do the same, taking its achievement and building upon it (within reason).
More Blogs
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
The body is water, the brain is a series of numbers and somehow betwe… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
I'm in an okay mood, having seen Fahrenheit 9/11 with the lovely Echo… -
Monday Jun 28, 2004
Reading today's Boondocks made me smile, seeing Aaron McGruder (throu… -
Thursday Jun 24, 2004
i need to get home and do that whole dread washing and re-twisting th… -
Saturday Jun 19, 2004
I finally found Bobcat Goldthwait's I Don't Mean To Insult You, But Y… -
Saturday Jun 19, 2004
I woke up on my friends Brad & Clarissa's couch for the first time in… -
Thursday Jun 17, 2004
long, rambling, not-well-written, and naming names. sorry. skip if … -
Sunday Jun 13, 2004
sometimes when people ask if i'm jamaican, i like to pretend they're … -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2004
this circling shit has got to stop, i don't want to discredit myself … -
Sunday May 30, 2004
i am exhausted. other than that, not much else to report.