A Note from the Editor
Those who risk, win.
(Ok, I promise, this will be the last time I use that saying for a while...I've must have used it twenty times this week)
Taking the Second Step
So, if you all recall last update, I described how I came to the decision that I needed to make some changes in my life. That was the first step. The second step was not so easy, but I did it nonetheless. I put myself out there, and confessed my feelings towards a woman who I have developed quite a crush on. Ill leave this woman nameless for now, and leave it up to her to decide if she wants to reveal who she is. I don't mind one way or the other, but I don't want to put her on the spot again
Now, I know some of you are probably thinking that this isn't such a big deal. But for someone who has played the role of the quiet kid in the corner his whole life, this was a pretty big step for me. Anyway, after contemplating about what I would say and how I would say it, I just said fuck it and did it. The result was as I expected, and despite that I didn't get what I ultimately wanted (And knew that I wouldn't get), the experience was definitely worth it. And at the very least, I've gained a friend, which I am happy about.
Things are headed in a good direction. I've got a bit of momentum and confidence now. I won't lie, it isn't an easy task trying to turn my life around, but there is nothing to it but to do it, as the saying goes. And though it may be difficult, I am happy, and that is what truly matters.
Taking my Art to a Whole New Level
Well, I've received my first commission of sorts. My brother has been bugging me about this for some time, but now I think he is really serious about it. He has always supported my art and bragged to his friends and coworkers about my "talent" (I've been called talented by many, but in my eyes, my art is alwaysLacking, and Im never satisfied). And now, he wants me to design a tattoo for him.
Yes, you read correctly, he wants me to design a tattoo. I won't lie, I am actually kind of scared to do it. I mean, this is going to be on his body for the rest of his life. And to add even more stress to the situation, he wants me to design a two-part tattoo, one piece going on each arm. One arm will depict all of the bad things that have happened in the past few years; the passing of our grandfather, his divorce, my diagnosis, the collapse of our sister's life. The other arm will depict the good times we've shared together; he wasn't so specific with this one, but he mentioned the ocean and beach, so I was thinking of maybe something representing the times we went fishing, and cars, and so on.
I've also starting coming up with a concept for my own tattoo. Ever since seeing the episode of Miami Ink where the dad gets a tattoo depicting his daughter's victory over cancer, I've wanted something to represent my own struggle with a tumor. So far, the image I have in my head is of me kneeling on the ground with a bloody knife in one hand, and a bloody bandage on the left side of my face. On the ground in front of me will be the tumor. And then, if I can fit it, I'd like to have something above it that says "(However number of years I suffered) years of hell" and below it, "to find Heaven on Earth" I won't be able to get the tattoo until I'm all healthy, so that's why the number of years is undefined at the moment.
Anyway, I've never designed a tattoo before, so if you guys have any suggestions about either of the designs for my brother or for myself, please feel free to say them. I'm also considering just coming up with the concepts and actually art pieces, and then letting a tattoo artist translate them into an ink design, but I don't know if my brother will go for it.
Reading Rainbow
Sorry about the title...I was drawing a blank, and this was the only reading related thing I could come up with.
I have been reading a lot lately. I seem to go through phases were I can't read enough and were I can't stand reading at all. I'm not sure if I wrote about this, but I finished Angels & Demons shortly after getting home from vacation. It was a very good book, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't gotten a chance to read it yet.
I just finished The Five People you Meet in Heaven yesterday. Did anyone else find this to be an incredibly short book? I finished it in a few hours over two sittings. Not quite sure how I feel about this one. It isn't a bad story...But it isn't great either. It does get you thinking about your own life though...Why things happen, how you affect other people's lives, etc. But I wasn't overly impressed with it.
Next up is Fahrenheit 451, followed by 1984 and Brave New World.
I've also been reading comics as well. Spent about $38 the other day on Batman stuff. Picked up A Death in the Family, which I read through right away, and Dark Victory, which I am reading through right now. Yea, if you haven't noticed by now, Batman is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, super hero. Why? Because he is human. He is dark, emotional, and real. Can't ask for much more than that.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that about does it boys and girls. Once again, if you've got any suggestions about the tattoos, please share
Hope all is well with all of you.
Current Mood: Fuck life, I'll dance alone to my own song
Currently Listening to: "ATLiens - Outkast
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix or [p]X | You Is Nasty), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Soon to start The Five People you Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Those who risk, win.
(Ok, I promise, this will be the last time I use that saying for a while...I've must have used it twenty times this week)
Taking the Second Step
So, if you all recall last update, I described how I came to the decision that I needed to make some changes in my life. That was the first step. The second step was not so easy, but I did it nonetheless. I put myself out there, and confessed my feelings towards a woman who I have developed quite a crush on. Ill leave this woman nameless for now, and leave it up to her to decide if she wants to reveal who she is. I don't mind one way or the other, but I don't want to put her on the spot again

Now, I know some of you are probably thinking that this isn't such a big deal. But for someone who has played the role of the quiet kid in the corner his whole life, this was a pretty big step for me. Anyway, after contemplating about what I would say and how I would say it, I just said fuck it and did it. The result was as I expected, and despite that I didn't get what I ultimately wanted (And knew that I wouldn't get), the experience was definitely worth it. And at the very least, I've gained a friend, which I am happy about.
Things are headed in a good direction. I've got a bit of momentum and confidence now. I won't lie, it isn't an easy task trying to turn my life around, but there is nothing to it but to do it, as the saying goes. And though it may be difficult, I am happy, and that is what truly matters.
Taking my Art to a Whole New Level
Well, I've received my first commission of sorts. My brother has been bugging me about this for some time, but now I think he is really serious about it. He has always supported my art and bragged to his friends and coworkers about my "talent" (I've been called talented by many, but in my eyes, my art is alwaysLacking, and Im never satisfied). And now, he wants me to design a tattoo for him.
Yes, you read correctly, he wants me to design a tattoo. I won't lie, I am actually kind of scared to do it. I mean, this is going to be on his body for the rest of his life. And to add even more stress to the situation, he wants me to design a two-part tattoo, one piece going on each arm. One arm will depict all of the bad things that have happened in the past few years; the passing of our grandfather, his divorce, my diagnosis, the collapse of our sister's life. The other arm will depict the good times we've shared together; he wasn't so specific with this one, but he mentioned the ocean and beach, so I was thinking of maybe something representing the times we went fishing, and cars, and so on.
I've also starting coming up with a concept for my own tattoo. Ever since seeing the episode of Miami Ink where the dad gets a tattoo depicting his daughter's victory over cancer, I've wanted something to represent my own struggle with a tumor. So far, the image I have in my head is of me kneeling on the ground with a bloody knife in one hand, and a bloody bandage on the left side of my face. On the ground in front of me will be the tumor. And then, if I can fit it, I'd like to have something above it that says "(However number of years I suffered) years of hell" and below it, "to find Heaven on Earth" I won't be able to get the tattoo until I'm all healthy, so that's why the number of years is undefined at the moment.
Anyway, I've never designed a tattoo before, so if you guys have any suggestions about either of the designs for my brother or for myself, please feel free to say them. I'm also considering just coming up with the concepts and actually art pieces, and then letting a tattoo artist translate them into an ink design, but I don't know if my brother will go for it.
Reading Rainbow
Sorry about the title...I was drawing a blank, and this was the only reading related thing I could come up with.
I have been reading a lot lately. I seem to go through phases were I can't read enough and were I can't stand reading at all. I'm not sure if I wrote about this, but I finished Angels & Demons shortly after getting home from vacation. It was a very good book, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't gotten a chance to read it yet.
I just finished The Five People you Meet in Heaven yesterday. Did anyone else find this to be an incredibly short book? I finished it in a few hours over two sittings. Not quite sure how I feel about this one. It isn't a bad story...But it isn't great either. It does get you thinking about your own life though...Why things happen, how you affect other people's lives, etc. But I wasn't overly impressed with it.
Next up is Fahrenheit 451, followed by 1984 and Brave New World.
I've also been reading comics as well. Spent about $38 the other day on Batman stuff. Picked up A Death in the Family, which I read through right away, and Dark Victory, which I am reading through right now. Yea, if you haven't noticed by now, Batman is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, super hero. Why? Because he is human. He is dark, emotional, and real. Can't ask for much more than that.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that about does it boys and girls. Once again, if you've got any suggestions about the tattoos, please share

Current Mood: Fuck life, I'll dance alone to my own song
Currently Listening to: "ATLiens - Outkast
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix or [p]X | You Is Nasty), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Soon to start The Five People you Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Rant aside, can't give good advice on the tat. I'm too nervous to get something tiny done on myself. But make sure your brother is absolutely sure about wanting you to design the ink, and that he should understand that it may not be perfect.
OOh, I read Fahrenheit 451. It will probably be another short read for you, but it has an interesting concept or two nonetheless. If you want an amusing read, check into A Clockwork Orange (just because the slang is fun to learn, heh.)
Thank you for the sweet set comment, cutie!