In part twelve in an ongoing series...The Curse of the Possessed iPod. I received more of those iTunes/Pepsi promo free song bottlecaps. I successfully redeemed them and went to go load them on my Pod and nada. As I have many times in the past, I reinstalled iPod & iTunes software to no avail. In the process of updating version of software on the iPod itself, the installer program has either: 1) Become non-responsive within Windows and allowed me (eventually) to quit out of the program -or- 2) Brought about a Blue Screen o' Death and required a hard boot w/o the Pod connected. *sigh*
The glimmer of good news in all of this is the service plan I purchased for this clunker replaces the 'faulty' device after three similar instances of its needing repair. Tomorrow when Best Buy opens, I'll be finding out whether its replaced at the third instance or after the third repair...hopefully the former! I'll also be checking on how they'll be replacing it & if I can put money towards a much nicer model, such as a 60gig iPhoto!
We'll see.
In work news, my supervisor being out of town didn't turn out to be the blessing I'd hoped... Being a pseudo-technophobe, he's not really on checking voice mail or, for that matter, setting it up in the first place. Random annoyances cropped up, as they tend to do. I was forced to intercede and will have to debrief my boss for a likely hour or so over the phone when he gets back to town.
On this same note, a suggestion to others: When finding time to finish paperwork or other random projects of your choosing, stick to a schedule of times one can expect you. Autistic people w/ profound OCD-tendencies don't like surprises, at all...especially when it comes to staffing.
To leave on a brighter note, I have the next two days off... This should give me ample time to recover from throwing out my back, sleep in monstrously late (10am! *gasp*) and lounge in my new swank faux-leather computer chair, drinking coffee & putting my feet up.
The glimmer of good news in all of this is the service plan I purchased for this clunker replaces the 'faulty' device after three similar instances of its needing repair. Tomorrow when Best Buy opens, I'll be finding out whether its replaced at the third instance or after the third repair...hopefully the former! I'll also be checking on how they'll be replacing it & if I can put money towards a much nicer model, such as a 60gig iPhoto!

In work news, my supervisor being out of town didn't turn out to be the blessing I'd hoped... Being a pseudo-technophobe, he's not really on checking voice mail or, for that matter, setting it up in the first place. Random annoyances cropped up, as they tend to do. I was forced to intercede and will have to debrief my boss for a likely hour or so over the phone when he gets back to town.

To leave on a brighter note, I have the next two days off... This should give me ample time to recover from throwing out my back, sleep in monstrously late (10am! *gasp*) and lounge in my new swank faux-leather computer chair, drinking coffee & putting my feet up.

Someone in the Mac Group just put up a comment about hot itunes loves to crap out with libraries over 80gb. I know you have a TON of music so if you meet the critiea mentioned, you might want to look into it.
O.K. this new profile pic is creeping me out. Back trouble? ouch! sorry. I hurt mine years ago and it's never been the same. See ya soon.