"I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there's gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running and I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day."
Similarly, my day has been particularly shitty... Lots of meetings at work, explanations as to why I haven't finished a couple of reports past due... Uncompleted from having to attend too many meetings during the only time I have to generate such reports.

The only things that has repeatedly come to my aid is a spaceheater and incense... I've gotten in the habit of firing both up 15 minutes prior to taking a shower, closing the door and going about my business. By the time I'm ready to jump in, the bathroom is sweltering and smokey. Steam and smoke emulsify into thick sheets of decompressing ether. When I emerge next, I'm scrubbed pink, about 20 degrees warmer, smelling of sandlewood and in a profoundly better mood, much as I am now.
