So it's 2:49 in the morning and I'm up this late trying to figure the hell's up with my iPod... For the past few weeks it's been a bit on the wonky side. With that in mind I've been trying to look for a way to successfully backup not so much the songs on the Pod but the playlists. In my last system loss, I'd lost data from the iTunes end though not on the iPod. Knowing at some point in the future it'd be remedied, I wasn't too worried. Well, now I'm worrying.
I've tried restoring it as well as trying the Pod's inherent diagnostic tools...nada. Next is an attempt to reformat the device through Windows Disk Management. Perhaps iPod Restore will work after that? Perhaps I'll be going to Best Buy tomorrow armed with a copy of the 'no questions asked uber extended' warrantee? At least my model is now outdated and anything they try to replace it with will be shiny, new and have a larger capacity. Hmm...
Amendment to the above entry: Well, I've just returned from Best Buy and after 45 minutes of their on-site tech support double-checking my findings, they relented and accepted my iPod for service. Good news: Will it cost me anything? No, it's covered under the additional service plan I purchased & I can track the repair's status online. Bad news: How long until it is returned to me? At least three weeks.
So until then, I am sullen and musically rudderless. *sigh*

I've tried restoring it as well as trying the Pod's inherent diagnostic tools...nada. Next is an attempt to reformat the device through Windows Disk Management. Perhaps iPod Restore will work after that? Perhaps I'll be going to Best Buy tomorrow armed with a copy of the 'no questions asked uber extended' warrantee? At least my model is now outdated and anything they try to replace it with will be shiny, new and have a larger capacity. Hmm...
Amendment to the above entry: Well, I've just returned from Best Buy and after 45 minutes of their on-site tech support double-checking my findings, they relented and accepted my iPod for service. Good news: Will it cost me anything? No, it's covered under the additional service plan I purchased & I can track the repair's status online. Bad news: How long until it is returned to me? At least three weeks.

Sorry about the ipod, I never seen much use for them as my computer and my car play mp3's, nonetheless I hope everything works when you get it back.
I don't even know how to backup my music on my itunes so I'd be fucked in this situation.