Another day of work, dictated by needs other than my own. Thursdays are what would normally be considered 'professorial office hours', a time and a place to be found usually performing paper shuffling and answering questions about it. I can, at times, use this allotment towards other things. Today I popped my head in for such reasons, checking in w/ staff & residents alike and smooth out schedule conflicts. The main one being the lack of someone to work tomorrow night aka pizza & bowling night. I decided to put my hours towards covering that shift so, in doing so, gave myself today off. I just needed to stick around long enough to make sure everyone was on the same page and deliver some petty cash to the right places. In at work at 12p, out at 12:25!
I ended up at the laundromat across the street from the Hamden High School working on bulk bedding and blankets. I received a call from alienprincess at home. It turns out that the Dell tech who was supposed to call to book an appointment had shown up to swap out my broken DVD drive. Damn fast service!
I'd only reported the problem 2-3 at most and it's already been fixed! I'd normally be watching movies to celebrate but, I smell so, hitting the showers after this entry.
I spent part of this evening trying to repair my turntable... It's a hand-me-down 15-20 year old JVC. It's worked acceptably well since I've perma-borrowed it. Lately I've been having the vinyl importation hard-on and wanted to fine adjust it, maybe even purchase a new cartridge & stylus. Well, the counterweight support at the end of the tonearm cracked. It's something that can be somewhat patched back together but, why?
I've casually checked online to see what's available in needle replacements and it doesn't look good. JVC has not considered turntables accessories high on its list of importance. There may be third-party parts available but, it'd involve some major foot & research work on my part and, I'm lazy.
I may purchase something new and from a reputable manufacturer. I'd be able to sleep easy knowing that any parts for the next 5-10 years would be easy to come by due to fact that DJ's are geeks, too! One model in particular features digital outputs - No more need to run the f'ing thing through a stereo rack and 6-10' of cabling to the computer tower in the first place. Hmmm....lots of food for thought.
Flux was fun for as long as we were there for... LittleSister & ElmCityDrunk are owed a round on me for understanding and a clove. I'm looking forward to Shag Frenzy. Rides are available to those heading up later rather than sooner. But perhaps all of that can be talked about tomorrow...
I may not be the posting fiend that I normally aspire to be if only for the fact that I work 36+ hours over the next three days. Those in the know can always call me for huddling purposes, those who are bored can e-mail.
And finally late on the wire was Johnny Ramone's death... There's how many generations of guitarists whose first song learned was a Ramones tune!? I was one of them and will have to bust out w/ Rocket To Russia all day tomorrow. Onthe lighter side, I read the New York Times Article on him and he was refered to as 'Mr. Ramone'. Gotta love the proper Times...

I ended up at the laundromat across the street from the Hamden High School working on bulk bedding and blankets. I received a call from alienprincess at home. It turns out that the Dell tech who was supposed to call to book an appointment had shown up to swap out my broken DVD drive. Damn fast service!

I spent part of this evening trying to repair my turntable... It's a hand-me-down 15-20 year old JVC. It's worked acceptably well since I've perma-borrowed it. Lately I've been having the vinyl importation hard-on and wanted to fine adjust it, maybe even purchase a new cartridge & stylus. Well, the counterweight support at the end of the tonearm cracked. It's something that can be somewhat patched back together but, why?
I've casually checked online to see what's available in needle replacements and it doesn't look good. JVC has not considered turntables accessories high on its list of importance. There may be third-party parts available but, it'd involve some major foot & research work on my part and, I'm lazy.

Flux was fun for as long as we were there for... LittleSister & ElmCityDrunk are owed a round on me for understanding and a clove. I'm looking forward to Shag Frenzy. Rides are available to those heading up later rather than sooner. But perhaps all of that can be talked about tomorrow...
I may not be the posting fiend that I normally aspire to be if only for the fact that I work 36+ hours over the next three days. Those in the know can always call me for huddling purposes, those who are bored can e-mail.
And finally late on the wire was Johnny Ramone's death... There's how many generations of guitarists whose first song learned was a Ramones tune!? I was one of them and will have to bust out w/ Rocket To Russia all day tomorrow. Onthe lighter side, I read the New York Times Article on him and he was refered to as 'Mr. Ramone'. Gotta love the proper Times...

Sadly i will not be able to make it to Shag frenzy tonight, I must stay late at work and wont get out till 1 am ish