Hello friends! Long time, no talk. The primary reason was my computer seized, choked and died... Nothing incredibly devistating but, I lost 20-30 gigs of pictures, keepsakes and the like. My digitized music collection including remastered material of my own have left the building, as well. Everything is up and running after a re-format and reinstall of XP Pro. To say I learned my lesson is an understatement. To say that I've gone out and purchased an external hard drive as well as Norton's Ghost may be a little more descriptive.
I may be around the neighborhood here a little less than I'd care to be... Work w/o my group home's manager is turning from a bad situation to worse. I'm having extreme difficulty trying to find coverage for him & others on vacation as well as those licenced by the state to dole out drugs to residents. As it stands, I'm not going to have a entire day off until Tuesday next week. Until then, lots of blows to dodge from unhappy wards, lots of nose-blowing due to my cold and lots of warm thoughts going out to you, my friends.
All for the moment...

I may be around the neighborhood here a little less than I'd care to be... Work w/o my group home's manager is turning from a bad situation to worse. I'm having extreme difficulty trying to find coverage for him & others on vacation as well as those licenced by the state to dole out drugs to residents. As it stands, I'm not going to have a entire day off until Tuesday next week. Until then, lots of blows to dodge from unhappy wards, lots of nose-blowing due to my cold and lots of warm thoughts going out to you, my friends.

My condolences my friend