Again, happy poetry day wishes...and stuff! Further down the way I've posted two entries, mine and one by a guitarist named Adrian Legg. I've been enjoying wonderful lazy days away from work - checking cookbooks, movies and music from the library; sleeping in late and waking to songbirds or garbage men, depending on the morning.
Today I'll revel in my last bits of freedom before accepting the reins at work. My supervisor leaves the country Monday and I have no doubts that there'll be a huge mangerial huddle or some sort. I have some reservations about the length of time he'll be away. Not over my lack of ability or my residents causing trouble but, lack of employee cooperation - while the cat's away, the mice come out to play kinds of slacking off. Luckily the directors of the agency care for me a great deal and will be checking in frequently enough to become a discouragement to such things. Dunno, one way or another it'll be interesting to see how everything and everyone fall into place.
I dont know all there is
that makes you-you.
And makes you
so special to me.
I dont know what
your favorite color is
Or what kind of music
you like best.
I dont know what its like
to wake up beside you
And to have you come home
to me each night.
But I know very well how it feels
to be held in your arms,
And to feel your heart
beating against mine.
I know how gentle
your kisses are
And how tender and loving
you can be.
No, I dont know everything
there is to you,
Except that I know for certain
that Im in love with you.
Discuss the acoustic guitar?
I could spout technicalia or wax romantic,
comparing my guitar to a lover or intimate confidant.
I could tell how it was there in London for my babies,
there when I grieved in Rome;
how it sat dusty in the corner when I walked out,
how it whispered to call me back;
how it and I traveled uncountable miles together.
I could describe the thrill of a composition
emerging naked against the fretboard,
or the magic that touched and returned a lost lover.
Or tell how it explored the depths of love,
the strength of righteous anger,
the freedom of laughter,
the warmest tenderness
and the essence of pity.
-Adrian Legg.
Today I'll revel in my last bits of freedom before accepting the reins at work. My supervisor leaves the country Monday and I have no doubts that there'll be a huge mangerial huddle or some sort. I have some reservations about the length of time he'll be away. Not over my lack of ability or my residents causing trouble but, lack of employee cooperation - while the cat's away, the mice come out to play kinds of slacking off. Luckily the directors of the agency care for me a great deal and will be checking in frequently enough to become a discouragement to such things. Dunno, one way or another it'll be interesting to see how everything and everyone fall into place.
I dont know all there is
that makes you-you.
And makes you
so special to me.
I dont know what
your favorite color is
Or what kind of music
you like best.
I dont know what its like
to wake up beside you
And to have you come home
to me each night.
But I know very well how it feels
to be held in your arms,
And to feel your heart
beating against mine.
I know how gentle
your kisses are
And how tender and loving
you can be.
No, I dont know everything
there is to you,
Except that I know for certain
that Im in love with you.
Discuss the acoustic guitar?
I could spout technicalia or wax romantic,
comparing my guitar to a lover or intimate confidant.
I could tell how it was there in London for my babies,
there when I grieved in Rome;
how it sat dusty in the corner when I walked out,
how it whispered to call me back;
how it and I traveled uncountable miles together.
I could describe the thrill of a composition
emerging naked against the fretboard,
or the magic that touched and returned a lost lover.
Or tell how it explored the depths of love,
the strength of righteous anger,
the freedom of laughter,
the warmest tenderness
and the essence of pity.
-Adrian Legg.
i was talking with Buddha last night, and that i'm thinking about swinging down to CT at some point, whenever you guys can swing it--b/c god knows I'm free for awhile.
don't kill anyone at work.