So my lovelys, it has been purchased with some delays in the process... I am talking of my B-Day present to myself, a 20Gig iPod.
I'd decided on this a couple of weeks ago and purchased a copy of Secrets of the iPod to do a little more research. Yep, completely lit the fire under my ass to scrape and pinch what monies I had available. Made the dash to Best Buy and purchased the unit, one of those "Even under act of God" add-on warantees and a couple of accessories.
Upon getting home and inspecting my computer closer, I discovered that none of the 12 or so USB ports in the back were the needed Firewire port. D'oh!
So I contacted the kindly King_Of_Skulls to see if he had an extra PCI card including them. No such luck but, thank you for checking!!!
Dashed back to the store, made the purchase before they closed and completed the install w/ no probs.
I just finshed uploading 18+ gigs or music and damn, it fills up fast!
Tomorrow will serve as Day #1 or petting, carressing it and calling it 'George'. Next paycheck will involve not doubt a few more accessories including iTrip, the li'l FM transmitter that could.
PS - I can't believe I forgot Poetry Day again!?!
I'll have to try that much harder for you folk to keep coming back!

I'd decided on this a couple of weeks ago and purchased a copy of Secrets of the iPod to do a little more research. Yep, completely lit the fire under my ass to scrape and pinch what monies I had available. Made the dash to Best Buy and purchased the unit, one of those "Even under act of God" add-on warantees and a couple of accessories.
Upon getting home and inspecting my computer closer, I discovered that none of the 12 or so USB ports in the back were the needed Firewire port. D'oh!

I just finshed uploading 18+ gigs or music and damn, it fills up fast!

PS - I can't believe I forgot Poetry Day again!?!


That was the best picture I have ever seen