So relatively brief entry for tonight, my friends... First and foremost, my Weebl and Bob Group has been approved!
If you're new to the cartoon, join and catch the link to the available archive. If you're an old fan, shit...stop wasting time here and get moving!
I tagged along w/ LittleSister to take a tour of a local culinary school. She has been brain-storming for career fields and this is one of them. By the end of the tour, I was completely ready to sign up myself. I've dreamt of attending the CIA in NY state and today was spent trying to rationalize not completing my Bachelor's in the near future. *sigh* At least any moneys not going towards tuition there can be re-allocated towards for cooking some nice All-Clad equipment.

I tagged along w/ LittleSister to take a tour of a local culinary school. She has been brain-storming for career fields and this is one of them. By the end of the tour, I was completely ready to sign up myself. I've dreamt of attending the CIA in NY state and today was spent trying to rationalize not completing my Bachelor's in the near future. *sigh* At least any moneys not going towards tuition there can be re-allocated towards for cooking some nice All-Clad equipment.

I'm embarrassed to admit I have no idea who Weebl and Bob are.
But congrats on creating the group. And if you decide to go to culinary school (there's certain romance to that), I hope you have more success than Rocco Dispirito from "The Restaurant."

hey there, so, cooking school eh? nod, nod. sage look. I love cheese. also, petunia. so good. dancing. when are you guys headed over? oh, I start on monday. Stop shaking your head at me dammit.